10 Consequences Of Drinking Too Little Water

Drinking too little water can negatively affect your metabolism. In addition, other health problems can arise. It is therefore generally recommended to drink six to eight glasses of water a day.

10 consequences if you drink too little water

Water is the main component of your entire body and therefore also of your vital organs: the brain, liver and heart. In addition, water is the elixir of life for your bones and even for the spaces between your cells. Therefore, if you do n’t drink enough water, you can get serious health problems .

For these reasons, too little water in your body can lead to a variety of damage, from the skin to your vital organs.

1. Dry and dehydrated skin

In addition to your normal skin regimen that involves using moisturizers and other natural medicines, the best way to keep your skin hydrated is by drinking enough water.

The elasticity of your skin is significantly influenced by a balanced water balance: you drink as much water or even more than you lose.

The following test can help you find out if your skin is dehydrated:

  • Gently pull up a piece of skin, such as your hand, with two fingers. Now you watch how long it takes for the piece of skin to retract back to its original position.
  • When you are dehydrated, your skin will be very slow to retract to its original position. Otherwise, it will flatten out again immediately after you pull it.

Alternatively, you can feel the temperature of your skin, especially your face, to find out if your skin is hydrated. The body normally needs a lot of water to maintain the ideal body temperature.

This means that if your skin feels warmer than usual, you will need to drink more water.

2. Constipation

Constipation from not enough water

When you are constipated, you will have difficulty having normal bowel movements. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of fluids in the body because you did not drink enough water. 

The large intestine binds a lot of water in order to shape the bowel movements. This binds the waste that is excreted in the stool.

When there isn’t enough water in your body, these wastes solidify in the colon. This can give you a stomach ache.

Another problem that can often occur with constipation is hemorrhoids. These are caused by the fact that you have to strain the intestine very hard to empty the solid or dry stool from the intestine.

3. Muscle cramps from not enough water

Usually we think of muscle spasms associated with physical activity or exercise. But you can also get muscle cramps if your body water levels are too low.

If the fluid balance in your body is disturbed and you therefore have too little water in your body, your electrolyte and mineral balance will be imbalanced.

However, electrolytes and minerals are crucial in ensuring that your muscles can work properly.

For this reason, it is very important that you always make sure you are drinking enough. Especially if you play sports or are otherwise physically active, as sweating will cause you to lose a lot of water and minerals.

4. Fatigue and exhaustion

If you do not drink enough water, it has a direct impact on your daily life: you may experience severe tiredness and exhaustion.

Due to the lack of water in your body , the activity of your cells slows down and they produce less energy.

As a result, dehydrated people are often tired and feel limp. However, this condition can be easily remedied once you start drinking enough water again.

In addition, you can increase the amount of fluid in your body by eating fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water.

And at the same time you are taking in a lot of healthy vitamins. Watermelons and citrus fruits, for example, contain valuable fructose that naturally increases your energy levels.

5. Dry mouth

Most of the time, a dry mouth or dry oral mucosa is associated with poor oral hygiene or impaired digestion of food. The best thing you can do when you have a dry mouth or dry mouth is to drink lots of water right away.

You can observe the following symptoms in yourself if you have a dry mouth or dry oral mucosa:

  • A sticky or dry feeling in the mouth
  • Thick saliva
  • Pain or a burning sensation on your tongue
  • Cracked corners of the mouth or chapped lips
  • Dry and rough tongue
  • Difficulty chewing, tasting food, or swallowing

6. Migraines

Migraines from not enough water

A very common  trigger for migraines is dehydration of the body. If you don’t drink enough water, your blood vessels will dilate. This can lead to a very severe headache.

  • Remember that dehydration of the body doesn’t just happen on particularly warm days.
  • As long as you drink enough water, your body’s fluid balance will be balanced. This will reduce the risk of getting a migraine.

7. High blood pressure

If you drink too little water, it will reduce the amount of blood in your blood vessels. And ideally these should always be well filled with blood.

Dehydration in your body causes your body to release histamines. These hormones ensure that your organs can function normally.

At the same time, however, they also cause your veins and arteries to contract. This in turn causes your blood pressure to increase.

It is therefore very important to drink enough water as this will improve your blood circulation. At the same time, the breakdown of toxins and other harmful substances, which can also cause high blood pressure, is facilitated.

8. Problems with your kidneys

Back pain from drinking too little water

Drinking enough water allows your kidneys to function optimally. Your kidneys are responsible for removing toxins, urea, and salt from your body.

But if your kidneys can no longer do this vital task, you can run into serious health problems. For example, very painful kidney stones can develop.

It is therefore extremely important that you always make sure that your kidneys are functioning optimally, because this will help you keep your metabolism in balance. This is how you can prevent disorders and chronic diseases.

9. Weight gain

Sometimes you can feel hungry when your body actually needs water. Many people then ingest food and do not notice that their body is short of fluids.

Always keep this fact in mind when worrying about your weight and health. You should also remember that if you drink enough water, you can speed up your metabolism. This also increases the amount of calories your body burns. 

For these reasons, most dietary recommendations recommend drinking several glasses of water a day. Remember, however, that you are drinking pure water. The water should be consumed without artificial additives or flavor enhancers.

10. Joint pain

If you have occasional joint pain, it is very likely that you have been drinking too little water at the time.

  • Your cartilage is used to reduce the friction between your joints. Cartilage is made up of 70% water.
  • Therefore it is very important to have sufficient fluids in the body. Because this way your cartilages can stay in the right shape so that their mobility between your bones is unrestricted.

There are a number of different factors that determine how much water you should drink per day: your age, the level of physical activity you are doing, the weather, and most importantly, your general health.

Because water intake is so vital to the vital functions of your body, you should drink more. This is how you can help to stay healthy.

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