10 Simple Tips For The Prophylaxis Of Tooth Decay

Even if children are often particularly susceptible to tooth decay, poor oral hygiene in adults also leads to this disease.

10 simple tips to prevent tooth decay

Parts of the food that we eat every day are deposited on the chewing surfaces of the molars. If we don’t remove these, the debris will pile up, decompose, and eventually cause tooth decay.

Even though children are often particularly susceptible to tooth decay , poor oral hygiene in adults also leads to this disease. In this article, we want to give you some simple advice on how to prevent tooth decay .

Why does caries form?

Many germs live in our mouths that can cause tooth decay if they come into contact with saliva and sugar that we ingest through food. These bacteria form acids, which then attack the tooth enamel, weakening it and creating a recess in the tooth.

In this hole, the caries can develop particularly well and finally appears as a black spot on the tooth.

Medication will not cure tooth decay, but neither should we allow unnecessary time to pass before taking any action, as this will make the situation worse.

The only way to prevent the bacteria from gnawing further on the affected tooth is to remove the diseased tissue and then fill it with plastic or amalgam. That is the job of a dentist.

Tooth decay is not a serious disease if therapy is started in a timely manner. The best therapy, however, is to keep our teeth healthy, to avoid excessive wear and tear and weakening of the tooth enamel.

Guide to preventing tooth decay from progressing

The following tips can help you teach your children proper oral hygiene so that they do not develop tooth decay in the first place.

This also avoids repeated visits to the dentist. It’s best to lead by example. Without tooth decay, you save money, time and pain and ensure you and your offspring strong, healthy teeth.

Avoid consuming sugar


This includes sweets, candies, sodas and many other sugary products that we often buy. Too much sugar damages your incisors and molars. Try to raise your children in such a way that they eat little sweets and prefer fruit instead of cake.

The break meals that you take with you to school should also be designed accordingly. Half an hour after eating sweets, they should brush their teeth and floss. If that is not possible at the moment, you should at least rinse your mouth with water.

Up to four meals a day

If you eat food all the time, it will not only have a negative effect on your weight, it will also make it easier for you to develop tooth decay. Put together your daily menu from a maximum of four meals.

Breakfast, lunch, a snack and dinner. Don’t eat anything between meals and brush your teeth for half an hour after eating.

Brush your teeth regularly

It is important that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, after you get up and before you go to bed. If you can, brush your teeth after lunch as well.

With a travel toothbrush in your pocket, this is usually not a problem and you can prevent food residues from getting stuck between your teeth when you are out and about.

Use floss


Using dental floss makes it easier to remove leftover food from between your teeth, which is difficult to get to with a toothbrush. It is sufficient if you floss once a day, ideally in the evening.

Also, make sure that the floss packaging is not open all the time or comes into contact with moisture and water. Dental floss is particularly recommended after eating biscuits, pastries, sugary cereals or breaded foods.

Chew your food well

If you chew your food thoroughly, fewer food particles will get stuck between your teeth. This is even more important when you are out and about and do not have dental floss on hand.

Gum massages

Stimulate the blood flow to your gums with the help of circular massages. A top-down massage also serves this purpose.

In this way, you strengthen the tooth support system and, in addition to caries, you can also prevent other diseases. When the teeth are healthy, bacteria also have less grip and the development of caries is made more difficult.


Have you ever thought about why we are served a glass of water with our drink in a café? Or with wine in the restaurant?

After consuming these drinks, a smell and a taste remains in the mouth, which one tries to neutralize, but the water certainly also supports dental health.

It works like a mouth rinse, reducing the amount of time certain tooth-damaging foods remain in your mouth. The same is true if you eat a sour fruit or drink alcohol.

Don’t go to sleep without brushing your teeth first

Brush teeth

Children must learn this habit from their parents at home. Never refrain from brushing your teeth before you go to bed in the evening.

Otherwise, while you sleep, the bacteria can gnaw your teeth unhindered, the corresponding nutrient medium is freely available to them in the form of leftovers.

Certainly you are sometimes tired, exhausted from the day’s work and your eyes are already closing – take a few minutes to brush your teeth anyway.

Eat foods that are high in calcium

Not only dairy products such as milk and yoghurt are good sources of calcium, green vegetables such as Swiss chard, spinach and broccoli also contain the important mineral.

Almonds are also great for providing calcium to your body. If you are lactose intolerant, you can resort to almond milk or non-dairy foods rich in calcium.

Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables

Fruit Vegetable

Celery and carrot are good teeth cleaners because they are high in fibers that help remove dirt. Apples with peel strengthen the teeth and give them a brilliant white. Fruit is also a great dessert, so we don’t need anything sweet anymore.

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