10 Simple Tricks To Keep Your Clothes Looking New Every Time

If you don’t want your clothes to wear out prematurely, it is very important to wash them carefully and to avoid aggressive products

10 simple tricks to keep your clothes looking new

It has probably already happened to you that you buy new clothes and after a short time they look worn and shabby. Small holes appear at the bottom of the T-shirt, the colors are getting lighter, the fabric is wearing out, etc.

As a result, you may find yourself forced to replenish your closet frequently, which will affect your wallet.

To prevent this from happening, we have put together a few tricks that can help you to protect your clothes .

1. Only wash what’s really dirty


Even if it seems strange, clothes often end up in the laundry basket that have hardly been put on and are actually clean. Note that  the more you wash your laundry, the more the fabric will wear out.

2. Pay attention to the first wash

The first washing process is the most important wash for many items of clothing, as it can damage the color, the material or a special textile treatment.

So pay attention to the washing instructions on the labels.

3. Separate whites from colored laundry

Even if you forget this tried and tested habit more and more often due to hectic and stress, you should try to keep this very useful habit, as you can then also use  special detergents for colored or white laundry.

White laundry often requires other washing methods in order to preserve the brightness and the fabric, while colored laundry may need color intensifiers.

4. Do not overfill the drum


In order for your laundry to look like new, you should correctly estimate the amount of laundry for the washing machine to use the appropriate amount of water and detergent.

Failure to follow this recommendation can damage the fabric and prevent laundry from cleaning properly.

So also follow the instructions for use of the washing machine so that your best friend in the household does not become an opponent of your clothes.

5. Wash with cold water

The water temperature is very important. Note that cold water is mostly used to make products. Your laundry is no exception: cold water protects it and keeps it new for longer.

6. Pre-clean the collar and cuffs

Before the laundry is put into the washing machine, the collar and cuffs should be pre-cleaned, as this is where dirt often accumulates.

Apply some baking soda and vinegar to make the dirt easier to loosen.

So the laundry stays flawless and looks new for longer.

7. Natural products are very effective


Keeping your laundry in top condition while taking care of the environment is not difficult. Try natural fabric softeners, such as white vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

These natural resources are highly recommended as most laundry detergents or fabric softeners are very aggressive and harmful.

This also becomes clear when you consider how the marketing of these products goes hand in hand with the shorter and shorter lifespan of garments.

8. Use a wash bag

Wash bags are becoming more and more popular when it comes to maintaining laundry.

A bag protects your clothing from continuous friction in the washing machine and its consequences, such as the formation of lint or clothing items becoming worn out.

9. Close the zippers

This is very important. W du hen the zippers do not shut your other textiles can stick to them in the washing machine  and be damaged.

So don’t forget this point to avoid nasty surprises.

10. Empty the pockets

Coins or other objects left in pockets while washing can cause 2 things:

On the one hand the material is damaged by the friction and on the other hand the color of the garment can change because the color of the object mixes with the water.

If you stick to these simple habits, your clothes will last longer and stay new.

The  environment is also protected, as you not only use natural home remedies, but also reduce the number of wash cycles, which in turn leads to less water consumption.

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