5 Diet Products That Will Help You Gain Weight

There are various tips, tricks and recipes that are supposed to help you lose weight, but diet products are often consumed that have exactly the opposite effect. Find out more about this topic today.

5 diet products that will help you gain weight

Many have set themselves the goal of losing weight. Because it is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health problem in particular. There are various tips, tricks and recipes that are supposed to help you lose weight, but often diet products  are also  consumed that have exactly the opposite effect.

Most skip cookies, sweets, high-fat foods, chocolate and other high-calorie foods in order to achieve their goal. But there are also other products that are sold as “healthy” but by no means help you lose weight.

Then we will introduce you to  diet products  with which you can not lose weight but gain weight. Read on to learn more about it. 

Weight loss diets and diet products

Most people do without fat, baked goods, soft drinks and sweets in general in weight loss diets. They try to change their diet and incorporate “healthy” diet products as possible in order to achieve their goal.

But not everything that is promised in advertising is kept. Some of these products are harmful and can even cause you to gain weight.

5 diet products that will help you gain weight

1. Diet drinks

Diet products that will help you gain weight: Beverages
Some diet drinks do exactly the opposite!

Researchers believe that when we  eat or drink something sweet, the body expects calories. However, if these are not present in the consumed product, the organism reacts with a slowed metabolism. In addition, the insulin response is poorer and weight gain occurs.

How can this be prevented? It is best to drink natural water, unsweetened iced tea, lemon water or unsweetened tea. 

2. Low fat diet products

It has been found that people who  consume low-fat diet products consume an average of 30% more of this product. The advantage turns into a disadvantage, because you eat more and therefore take in more calories.

It is therefore advisable  to eat small portions of healthy foods that should not be low in fat. It is important to control yourself and to reduce the amount of food.

3. Flavored yogurt

unhealthy diet products
Fruit or other flavored yogurts usually contain large amounts of sugar.
Many believe that  yogurt is digestive because it contains healthy bacteria. That is true, but the best version is always unsweetened natural yogurt; varieties with different tastes usually contain a lot of sugar or corn syrup. It is therefore best to buy unsweetened natural yoghurt and add fresh fruit yourself.

4. Packaged fruit

You are not doing yourself or the environment good with packaged fruit. Often, packaged fruit is treated with corn syrup, which is high in fructose, to enhance the flavor and preserve the fruit longer.

Always choose fresh, seasonal fruit. With it you can supply your body with vitamins and at the same time avoid plastic!

5. Sports drinks

Diet products: drinks for athletes
Isotonic drinks and energy drinks were developed for athletes who exercise intensely, not for weight loss.

Most athletes consume these drinks and because of this many think they are healthy. But they contain a lot of sugar and therefore also a lot of calories. 

This can be important for intense athletic training in order  to recharge your batteries. But these drinks have no place in a weight loss diet.

It is a clear example that diet products can lead to weight gain. Finally, we have a few tips for you to help you achieve your weight loss goal in a healthy way: 

Useful tips to facilitate weight loss

  • There are no such things as “fat burners”: all foods, products, and supplements are only auxiliaries in a low-calorie diet. It is important to have an effective diet plan that is individually created for the person concerned and carried out over the long term.
  • Carbohydrates are important,  even in a weight loss diet. However, you should opt for whole grains that provide more fiber and nutrients.
  • Healthy fats should also not be missing in a weight loss diet. The body needs fat, but it should come from healthy plant sources. For example, use extra virgin olive oil or linseed oil in salads. Healthy sources of fat provide important omega 3 and 6 as well as vitamins A, D and E.
  • Dinner is not an enemy! You shouldn’t miss out on any meal. Breakfast and dinner are definitely important, even in a weight loss diet. During the night, the organism spends an average of 8 hours without food, but it is still active. It’s best to opt for an early, light dinner.


Remember that a  weight loss diet isn’t just about consuming fewer calories. It is especially important to burn off the energy you have absorbed.

You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym, nor is there any need to become a professional athlete. A daily walk, climbing stairs, and hiking on weekends are sufficient to keep you in shape.

However, you need to know  that you won’t lose weight on the sofa. The human body is used to movement and has to be kept going. If you exercise regularly, you can also eat a little more and still lose weight.

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