5 Fitness Exercises To Lose Fat Reserves

If we want to reduce fat reserves, we not only have to exercise regularly, but also pay attention to a balanced diet

5 fitness exercises to lose fat reserves

Who doesn’t want to look good? And who wouldn’t want to lose those extra pounds? In this article we explain 5 fitness exercises to fight the accumulated fat reserves .

We store most of the fat reserves around the abdominal zone.  In addition to a conscious and balanced diet, it is advisable to exercise regularly. This promotes fat burning in the abdominal area.

1. Traditional abdominal exercise against fat reserves

To do this exercise, we lay down on the floor or a soft surface.

  • To do this, we lie on our back with our hands on our necks and elbows spread out. We lift the legs at a 90 degree angle.
  • Now we lift the body up to the knees without lifting the lumbar region off the floor. 
  • The abdominal muscles work during this exercise. Repeat 10 to 20 times, depending on your condition. Also, remember to take a 60-second break after each set.

    You can repeat the exercise more often if you have built up your condition a little over time. It all depends on how the training goes and how consistent you are.

    Note: If you find it very difficult to keep your legs in the air, you can prop them up on a chair or small table.

    2. Push-ups with elbows

    Effectively eliminate fat reserves
    • We lie on our stomach on a mat or directly on the floor. Then we do a push-up. We support ourselves on our forearms and our toes.
    • When we get to the top, we pull the abs together for as long as we can. Then we rest for 60 seconds.
    • This exercise is repeated 10 times. Each time we hold out longer because we gain more stamina. It is especially important to maintain a straight posture while doing this exercise.

    3. butterfly

    For this exercise, we lay down on a mat or the floor and fold our hands behind our heads. We can keep the legs straight or raise them at a 90 degree angle.

    • With the elbows extended , we lift the body to the right, then to the left and finally in the middle. We repeat the exercise ten to twenty times.
    • Then we rest for 60 seconds. As we gain stamina over time, we increase the number of repetitions.

    4. Exercises to melt fat reserves in other parts of the body: classic push-ups

    To tighten our arms and reduce fat deposits, we perform push-ups. How does it work?

    You lie on your stomach on the floor or a mat. Use your palms and tips of your toes to lift your body. Keep your back straight and spread your arms at shoulder height.

    • We repeat the exercise 10 times.
    • Then we rest for 60 seconds.  With more perseverance and practice, we can increase the number of repetitions.

    This exercise will work your arms, chest, stomach, and upper back.

    5. Legs

    There are also suitable exercises for this part of the body.

    • Lie on a mat or the floor.
    • The arms are at the side of the body. We raise our legs (without bending our knees) until we reach a 90 degree angle.
    • Then we lower our legs again and repeat the exercise ten times.
    • After a one-minute break, do another set of ten repetitions.

      As with the other exercises, we increase the number of repetitions over time.

      General recommendations

      Dancing around the house to burn off fat reserves

      You should train the different areas of the body alternately, but constantly. Other recommended fitness exercises are:

      • To dance
      • Long walks
      • Climb stairs
      • Cycle
      • aerobics

      A balanced diet and sufficient fluids are also important, especially when exercising. We hope that you can incorporate this simple but very effective fitness routine into your daily routine so that unwanted fat reserves disappear.

      If you exercise regularly, you will definitely get good results without exerting a lot of force.  Then there is no longer any need for a strict diet. Perseverance is key in the fight against pent-up love handles.

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