5 Home Remedies For Dermatitis

Cleansing teas made from medicinal plants can help to restore the inner balance and remove toxins that are harmful to the skin.

5 home remedies for dermatitis

In a  dermatitis  it comes to inflammatory processes that can be very uncomfortable. The causes are very diverse: digestive problems, an unbalanced hormone balance, allergies or other complaints can lead to them.

Conventional treatment options are not always effective and can also have undesirable side effects. That is why we recommend various natural home remedies for dermatitis in today’s post .

What is dermatitis?

Different types of skin inflammation are referred to as dermatitis, for example atopic dermatitis,  seborrheic dermatitis , Eczema, psoriasis etc.

Affected people sometimes suffer severely from the associated symptoms. Because the quality of life is severely impaired as a result. It is advisable to treat the complaints internally and externally in order to achieve relief.


Natural, gentle skin care

It is important to take care of the skin naturally while respecting its natural pH.  This is at least as important as the home remedies we recommend in this article.

If you have sensitive skin, you should refrain from using conventional products, as they contain many aggressive substances. For example  parabens, petroleum products, etc. 

You can easily make your own skin care products at home  or buy organic products.

You can only achieve short-term improvements if you fundamentally change your hygiene and cosmetic habits

light therapy

Light therapy is often used for dermatitis, psoriasis or neurodermatitis. The skin is irradiated with ultraviolet light.

UV rays work against inflammation, relieve itching and reduce the formation of flakes of skin in psoriasis.

Sea water

Sea water contains valuable minerals that have anti-inflammatory, alkalizing and cleansing effects.

To benefit from the healing powers of the sea, you can simply clean the affected skin area with it and then let the water dry on the skin. It’s best to do this in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed.


Oats for dermatitis

Another great home remedy for internal and external treatment is oats , a type of grain that provides valuable nutrients and can be very useful if consumed regularly. 

Those suffering from dermatitis can also take an oat bath.


  • Bring 500 g of oatmeal to the boil in water for three minutes and then mix.
  • The result is a thick paste that you mix with the bath water.
  • You can also fill a cloth bag with raw oatmeal  and place it in warm bath water.
  • This will dissolve the oatmeal and you can use it to massage your skin directly. 

Medicinal teas

Medicinal teas can also effectively support the treatment of dermatitis. They work from within  and bring the skin into balance.

The following medicinal plants help to  remove toxins from the body, which can affect the health of the skin:

  • Horsetail
  • Sarsaparilla
  • Nettle

You can drink two to three cups of these teas a day and combine them with each other.

Brewer’s yeast

Brewer's yeast for dermatitis

Brewer’s yeast contains many health-promoting substances, which is why it can be taken as a daily food supplement to prevent diseases and to strengthen the entire organism.

Apart from the fact that it is a very nutrient-rich, regulating food, brewer’s yeast also has a cleansing effect and is particularly recommended for dermatitis.

  • Brewer’s yeast is available in  tablet or powder form and can be used in smoothies, juices, or yogurt.
  • Taking brewer’s yeast with food will improve nutrient absorption.
  • There is also brewer’s yeast  without bitter substances for those who do not like the taste.

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