5 Things You Shouldn’t Allow In A Relationship

Giving everything is good as long as the other person agrees. However, you should never neglect family or friends because of your partner. Ask yourself if your partner is bringing harmony and calm to the relationship and if you want to grow old with him.

5 things you shouldn't allow in a relationship

There is nothing better than being in love, having a partner you love and who you are loved by. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to or should do everything for this person … What should n’t happen in a relationship :

In this post we talk about where to set boundaries in a relationship in order to protect yourself. 

Self-protection in a relationship


1. Give everything and get nothing?

This is a mistake. To love Jemaden means to open all feelings limitlessly, to give everything out of passion and honest selflessness. That is undoubtedly a good thing. But only if the partner responds and shows that he is worth it, that he too strengthens the relationship through his selfless love.

However, if you give everything and only receive demands or reproaches in response, sooner or later the time will come when you will only feel frustrated and empty.

This condition is very destructive and should be considered accordingly. Love, give, give … but don’t forget that you yourself deserve this too.

2. Don’t let your values ​​and self-confidence be taken away from you!


It’s normal to have different preferences, hobbies, or values. As long as the other is respected, a happy relationship can exist.

Perhaps your partner appreciates spontaneity, pleasure, and going out much more than you do … but you also ask them to spend time with you and to enjoy quieter moments with you at home.

In a long-term relationship, there should always be a balanced relationship. If, however, the partner always complains and criticizes, for example because you are “not so funny” or do not like celebrating as much as he does, you feel bad and your self-esteem suffers.

“Am I really boring?” “Can you really not be happy with me?” These types of questions can leave deep marks and reduce self-esteem. The partner should respect and appreciate you. This is essential for a happy relationship.

3. Don’t let your personal space be taken away from you!

Everyone needs some time for themselves and their favorite activities, friends and passions, you shouldn’t do without that. You shouldn’t neglect your family and friends because of your partner.

Do not give up everything you like just for the sake of your partner, because then nothing of you will be left behind and you will lose your self. The personal space is the place where your personality, your social life and your passions take place. Don’t let him take it from you!

4. Don’t let your dreams and hopes be taken away from you!


Some relationships have a toxic effect: a partner who flips your wings and tells you day after day that you are not capable of anything, that you are not intelligent enough for certain activities, that the work you long for is a bit too big for you …

People who destroy your dreams and hopes daily and make you a caricature of yourself and leave you with no energy are not worth it. Don’t let that happen!

5. Don’t let someone make you unhappy!

That is the most important thing! When you get up, ask yourself every day if you are happy. Ask yourself if you want to grow old and live calmly and harmoniously with the person by your side. Does your partner give you security, trust and joy?

Then do not doubt it, in this case it is worth fighting for this relationship. However, if you feel empty and your partner does not give you laughter but only tears, if you live in daily sadness, then you should react!

You too deserve to be happy. Everyone deserves happiness and can achieve it!

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