5 Tips To Avoid Tantrums In Children

Tantrums are part of a child’s emotional development. They begin to feel feelings that they do not know and cannot yet control. You can help your children avoid situations that will trigger them.

5 tips to avoid tantrums in children

Between the ages of two and five, tantrums in children are something any child can experience. This is a burst of anger and frustration that fills us with guilt and questions.

However, it is possible to avoid tantrums in children if you just take the right precautions.

It would be ideal to avoid all situations that trigger tantrums in children. Sometimes it is possible, but not always. However, one must never despair, because calm is the key to solving this problem.

Little child is crying

5 tips to avoid tantrums in children

Tantrums in children are the result of their emotional development. The little ones begin to feel feelings such as anger, anger, and frustration.

They can control them later on, but at such a young age they still need a little time to deal with these feelings.

When children turn two they start to feel self-reliant. The child realizes that his will does not always match that of his parents.

The tantrums come about because they want to impose their newly developed will on the other and test the parents’ limits.

It is also important to understand that tantrums are more common in some children than others.

Every child has their own temperament and this marks how they react to the feelings they are feeling. Even siblings raised the same way can have more tantrums in one child than in another.

Now that you understand how tantrums develop, here are five useful tips to help you avoid them. We hope that they will be useful in your life if you are faced with this deluge of opposing emotions again .

How do you calm a child down when they have a tantrum?

1. Avoid unnecessary challenge

There are things that your child “must” or “must not do”. So life is. But also check if it really has to do a certain thing at a certain point in time.

You can let your child be in control for a few minutes and then return to the necessary action.

For example: it’s winter and your little one needs to put on a jacket. But it doesn’t want to. But if you still have a few minutes to close your jacket, why does it have to be done now?

Jostling can quickly lead to tantrums because you don’t give the child an option.

Better let it “decide” for a few minutes that the jacket doesn’t have to be buttoned. Once it feels the cold, you close your jacket.

2. Prepare for frustrating situations

If you have a long day ahead of you with a list of things to do and your child is with you, you need to prepare. Bring toys, water, and a healthy snack too.

A long day away from home, fatigue and errands that the child does not feel like doing lead to discomfort, which can trigger tantrums in children.

Should you be doing an activity that the child likes (such as a visit to the park or the playground), let them know in advance that it will be time to return home soon. There is no reason to surprise the child with a sudden departure.

Children play in summer

Sometimes we actually provoke the tantrums because we are causing unnecessary stress in the children through situations that they do not like or that they do not understand. 

Then there is a tantrum until we realize that it was actually a foreseeable situation.

3. Dose the use of “No”

If the parents say “no” too often, tantrums also occur, because the negative answer triggers rebellion in the little ones. Think about when you can say “yes”.

Instead of saying “no”, you could offer your child an acceptable alternative.

Of course you have to say “no” sometimes. If your child wants to plug a metal object into the socket, there should be no discussion.

But it is not always about such extreme situations. Think about when you can answer “yes” to his requests.  

4. Establish clear and understandable boundaries

Long before a tantrum breaks out, while there is still peace, you have to establish clear boundaries to which our children have to stick or get used to.

Of course, you can’t control everything a child does, tries, plays or attracts. Too much control in children stifles the desire to experience independence. But of course you shouldn’t give them too much freedom.

Children need to know that there are limits that cannot be crossed without consequences.

5. Take care of his physical well-being

Even if tantrums are emotional explosions in children, they can also be caused by physical problems.

A child who did not eat in time or who  did not take their afternoon nap can have a tantrum. They don’t know how to deal with the feeling or convey their problem to you.

These are routines your allies. Make sure that you eat, sleep, and bathe on time. This regularity gives your child the confidence and the necessary calm and contentment they need to prevent tantrums for such reasons.

Mother is talking to her daughter

When the tantrums break out in children

Even if you followed all of our tips, there was a fit of anger. Most of all, you need to keep calm now. If you are still upset now, then you are of no help to your child.

Usually, even the children themselves feel surprised by the sudden energy of a tantrum. It is now important that you stay calm and help him so that he does not hurt himself or others.

Your child needs you to find their way back to calm.

Talk to him slowly and in a very calm tone. Explain to him what is happening, how you feel about it and also invite him to calm down.

Avoid giving in now, or you are making him understand that tantrums can give him anything he wants.

If you are in a public place, there is always someone to advise you to ignore or punish your child. We repeat: tantrums come over children. It is best to ignore this “well-intentioned” advice.

It will not help your child at all if you ignore or punish them during a tantrum. All you do is teach him to suppress his feelings and that always has dire consequences.

Your child needs you to find their inner peace again, don’t deprive them of your love or a hug.

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