6 Factors For High Cholesterol

You cannot control all the factors that lead to high cholesterol levels, but you can still achieve a lot with a healthy lifestyle.

6 factors contributing to high cholesterol

The effects of high cholesterol can affect the health of your heart by creating deposits in the arteries that obstruct blood flow. This is why you should  prevent high cholesterol .

The body needs lipids, which are secreted by the liver, among other things for cell activity and the  formation of bile and hormones. However, problems can arise when there is too much bad cholesterol (LDL). 

This increases the risk of atherosclerosis. In severe cases, you can have a heart attack, liver problems, and other diseases that affect your quality of life.

What is particularly worrying is that many people ignore their high cholesterol levels and are also unaware of the reasons for it. So today we’re looking at different factors that cause high cholesterol.

1. Food habits

fatty sausages and bacon lead to high cholesterol levels

Eating habits have a very strong influence on cholesterol levels. Fatty foods and processed foods are particularly dangerous because they contain bad cholesterol. However, vegetables and healthy fats help regulate cholesterol levels. 

  • It is therefore important to eat a healthy diet that contains as little cholesterol as possible.
  • It is also advisable to get enough  omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and essential amino acids through your diet.

2. Sedentary lifestyle can cause high cholesterol levels

Sedentary lifestyle is one of the  main causes of high cholesterol levels. Fat is not converted into energy, but stored in the body.

  • Therefore, regular physical activity will help you control cholesterol levels. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day! 
  • Cardiovascular exercises, such as walking  or cycling, can help lower cholesterol levels significantly.

3. Overweight or obesity

Being overweight can trigger high levels of holesterin

People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have high cholesterol. Fats build up in the arteries and narrow them, which in turn can have serious health consequences.

It is important  to monitor your body weight. If you are prone to obesity, you should try to adopt a healthier lifestyle. This gives you better control over your cholesterol levels.

  • A 10% reduction in your body mass index  can help prevent serious cardiovascular disease.

4. Stress

Stress can also cause high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Not only does it affect your emotional health,  stress also increases the risk of plaque in the arteries. 

People who suffer from high stress are more likely to resort to unhealthy foods to counterbalance negative psychological effects. 

  • Daily relaxation techniques and breathing exercises are therefore very useful.
  • You should also try to eat healthy foods that promote mental wellbeing. With this you can not only improve your mood, but also prevent cholesterol build-up in the arteries:

5. Excessive alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol can lead to high cholesterol levels

Excessive alcohol consumption also increases the risk of high cholesterol levels. The toxins affect the functioning of your heart, arteries, and liver.

As a result, the cholesterol is not processed properly, which can lead to  deposits in the  arteries.

Avoid consuming too many alcoholic beverages. If you have alcohol addiction, you should seek professional help.

6. Family history

Family history and genetic factors should also be considered. Because here, too, a cause for high cholesterol can be found. If other family members have high cholesterol, the risk of developing it yourself is twice as high! 

For this reason, you should adopt a healthy lifestyle from a young age. You should also limit your intake of high-cholesterol foods as much as possible.

Don’t forget to get regular medical checkups to check your cholesterol levels early.

Worried that you may have high cholesterol? Avoid foods high in cholesterol and lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

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