6 Herbal Remedies For High Cholesterol

Using a variety of medicinal herbs, eating healthy, exercising and reducing stress can help us reduce high cholesterol.

6 herbal remedies for high cholesterol

Today we’re talking about herbal remedies that  can help lower cholesterol.

High cholesterol is known to be detrimental to cardiovascular health. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken to bring the situation under control.

In addition to medical treatment, herbal remedies can also be used. Of course, you should discuss this with your doctor beforehand.

Find out today which plants can help with  high cholesterol levels. 

Of course, we also have to eat healthy, exercise, adopt healthy habits and live positive emotions every day !

Herbal remedies for high cholesterol

increased cholesterol

There are some plants that can help us lower cholesterol. However, we also have to pay close attention to the consumption of products of animal origin and eat more vegetables.

It is also fundamental to reduce trans fats. You can find them in all kinds of industrially prepared meals, such as margarine, sauces, cream soups, ice creams and snacks.

Ultimately, the influence of the nervous system must also be taken into account. Stress is a critical factor here as it negatively affects liver health. This consequently increases the cholesterol levels.

1. Green tea

Green tea is an ancient drink that is valued in many cultures for its medicinal effects.

Its antioxidants make it excellent for preventing premature aging. The catechin it contains helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).

One or two cups of green tea should be consumed a day. However, this should be done outside of meal times, as it makes it difficult to absorb iron from food.

We’d also like to mention that green tea contains caffeine, albeit less than black tea.

2. Artichoke leaves


The artichoke is very healthy. Naturopaths recommend them especially for the liver. Artichoke leaf tea may taste strong and bitter, but it is also  very effective in controlling high cholesterol.

Besides, such a tea is also good for improving the digestive tract and clearing the body of toxins. You can use it to improve general health and prevent chronic diseases.

3. ginger

Ginger is simply part of a healthy diet because it is very versatile and offers numerous benefits. It helps to reduce high cholesterol, stimulate digestion, fight fluid retention and support us in weight loss.

It is available fresh or dried and can be used to make tea or to season sweet and savory dishes. Every dish becomes tastier and juicier. It comes sweetened, so repeating it over at Han d has.

4. Dandelions

As a medicinal plant, dandelion has a strong cleansing effect, especially for the liver and kidneys. Therefore it can cleanse our organism and prevent diseases.

The plant contains inositol, an active ingredient that is said to not only reduce cholesterol but also prevent its negative effects on the arteries.

You can either eat dandelion as a tea or eat it fresh, for example in a salad.

5. Saffron


Few are aware of saffron as a herbal remedy, but studies show that it is very effective. This plant is very popular for coloring food yellow. A tea made from saffron helps, among other things, to lower cholesterol.

The active ingredient responsible for this effect is the color pigment crocetin. If you eat it daily, you can supposedly prevent arteriosclerosis.

This is how you can protect your heart and blood vessels.

6. Milk thistle

Milk thistle is also one of the medicinal plants that can be used to support high cholesterol levels.

This plant is particularly effective for the liver. Not only does it promote their function, it can also be used to support cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver and other ailments.

The consumption of milk thistle as a tea or food supplement also supports the regulation of triglycerides in the blood and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is recommended to drink the tea once or twice a year for three months to purify the blood and prevent disease.

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