6 Home Remedies For Gray Hair

Today we are about how to eliminate or hide gray hair.

6 home remedies for gray hair

One of the most common aesthetic problems that affect men, but also women in particular, is the appearance of the first gray hairs. Therefore, we would like to recommend possible home remedies for gray hair

Although we are aware that sooner or later we will get gray hair and that this is a completely normal part of the aging process, it worries many when the first gray hairs appear at the young age of around 30.

Fortunately, there are some home remedies for gray hair. This is a natural way to counter the early appearance of gray hair.

Although many cures are available in stores, natural home remedies for gray hair are a very useful alternative with few side effects.

What are the causes of the premature appearance of gray hair?

Gray hair grows when the production of the pigment melanin decreases. Melanin production is reduced to varying degrees over time, depending on the lifestyle of the individual.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, half of all people over the age of 45 have gray hair, although only one in three women is affected.

The most common causes of gray hair to appear prematurely include:

  • stress
  • Genetic factors
  • An inadequate diet in which there is a lack of vitamin B12 in particular
  • Unhealthy habits, including smoking, increased alcohol consumption, drug use
  • Excessive consumption of coffee, fried foods, and spices
  • Emotional problems and disorders

What home remedies for gray hair can be used to counteract its premature appearance?

The following natural remedies for gray hair can help you prevent or reduce gray hair and restore a healthy shine to your hair.

It is important to know that these funds must be used regularly in order to achieve a satisfactory result.


chopped onion

The onion has many uses in terms of health and beauty because it is very rich in nutrients. Applied directly to the scalp, the onion helps prevent gray hair.

In a study by the University of Bradford, UK, it was found that the onion contains the enzyme catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide that builds up in the hair follicles and causes the hair to discolour.

The application of onion also stimulates healthy hair growth.


This fruit has strong hydrating properties and is perfect for giving hair a healthy shine and preventing premature aging.

Avocados contain minerals, fatty acids and vitamin E that support the regeneration of the hair and thus promote its health.

To take advantage of these positive properties, the inside of the avocado must be applied directly to the scalp and hair.


Henna against gray hair

Henna is a natural dye that is used to color hair without causing the side effects known from chemical products.

This natural product gives the hair a reddish shade, which can also be varied by adding other products.

Henna is simply mixed with a little water, the resulting paste is then applied all over the hair. When you add coconut oil to the mixture, you get a dark brown color.

Walnut leaves

Walnut leaves are a real alternative for covering and reducing gray hair. Again, this product does not have the side effects that chemical hair dyes often bring with them.

The walnut leaves contain juglone, a substance that is used as a natural color in the cosmetics industry.

To use this remedy, prepare an infusion of walnut leaves, let it steep for 15 minutes and then apply it to your hair.

Sage lotion

Sage against gray hair

Sage is one of the herbs that are said to contain natural dyes that help prevent gray hair from growing and help you regain your natural hair color.

To cover gray hair with the help of sage and give it a darker shade, prepare an infusion of sage. After you’ve boiled the sage leaves for 30 minutes to remove all of the important ingredients, you can apply the whole thing to your hair.

Repeat this treatment at least three times a week.


Rosemary has grown in popularity in recent years when it comes to its use in hair care. It is said to stimulate hair growth and help maintain natural hair color.

In the fight against gray hair, rosemary provides high levels of caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid, which also act as antioxidants.


  • ¼ cup of rosemary
  • ¼ cup of sage
  • 2 cups of water (400 ml)


Bring the water to a boil first and add the herbs mentioned. Then let it sit overnight and apply the infusion to your hair and scalp the next day.

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