6 Home Remedies For Pimples

In this article we would like to introduce you to 6 home remedies that can help against pimples

6 home remedies for pimples

Pimples are annoying. Most of the time, they also show up when they are least needed. But there are home remedies  for pimples.

Pimples not only look unsightly, but can also lead to small scars if treated incorrectly and leave permanent marks on your face.

In this article, we would like to introduce you to 6 home remedies that you can use to treat pimples.

Causes of Pimples

The development of pimples can have various causes: the changed hormonal balance during puberty, “Mallorka acne”, incorrect care products, minor injuries, medication, doping agents, drugs, contact with chemicals and other harmful substances.

Basically, these are small inflammations. It’s important that you keep this little inflammation from spreading!

The popular “squeezing” can result in more bacteria getting into the small wound that has formed or, for example, that pus is pushed back into the tissue and the inflammation worsens.

No matter what the cause of the pimple you want to treat, it is important to contain the inflammation and accelerate healing so that the pimple disappears without leaving any marks.



It looks strange, especially if the toothpaste is green-blue or even red-white striped, but it can actually help: the pasta allows pimples (and herpes) to dry out and “seals” them.

This will help them heal faster and you won’t be tempted to express them open.

Tea tree oil

The oil from the Australian tea tree is a multi-purpose weapon and can also help against pimples! The oil has a disinfectant effect and helps your pimple to heal. Just carefully rub some tea tree oil on the pimple with your finger over and over again.

The oil works best if you use it at the first tingling sensation and the first little reddening.

Healing earth

Healing earth

Due to its texture, healing earth is able to absorb toxins. Because of this detoxifying property, healing clay is particularly effective against acne.

The finest mineral particles also remove fat from the skin, which also makes healing earth an ideal skin care product for people with oily skin. Healing clay has a degreasing, pore-deep cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect – ideal for everyone who struggles with pimples!

It is quite cheap and can therefore also be used over a large area, for example in the décolleté or on the shoulders / back.

Pimple aloe

Aloe vera

Use an aloe vera gel with the highest possible concentration for this. Dab on again and again throughout the day, this will shorten the healing process!

Aloe vera has a healing effect and can also accelerate the healing of other skin diseases. Aloe Vera is also well suited for facial care, you can apply the gel thinly under your day or night care.

used tea bags

Black tea for pimples

Brewed black tea bags, cooled in the refrigerator, help through the tannins they contain, that the vessels contract and the annoying pimple can dry out and heal better.

Please use pure black tea, no flavored teas or even with fruit!


Propolis is a substance made by bees that helps against viruses, bacteria and fungi. In this way, the bees protect their honeycombs from attack by microorganisms. There are creams with propolis, but it’s best to get propolis straight from the beekeeper and apply it straight away.

Dab the liquid directly onto the pimple several times a day to help it heal.

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