6 Tips Against Smelly Feet

If you have smelly feet, regular hygiene is particularly important. In addition, you can use special infusions that combat excessive sweating and unpleasant smells. 

6 tips against smelly feet

Smelly feet are very uncomfortable and everyone wants to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible.

While the main cause of smelly feet is poor hygiene, there are a few other causes. They can also be the result of a hormonal imbalance. Poor nutrition or a fungus on the skin can also be responsible for bad foot odor.

People with excessive foot odor often experience stress in social situations, as they are often subject to scorn and ridicule from others for their smelly feet. It is therefore important to get this nasty problem under control as quickly as possible.

Of course, you can buy numerous products that reduce or eliminate foot odor. But there are also a number of home remedies that are inexpensive and easy to use. In addition, unlike many conventional products, they are completely natural and therefore much healthier. 

In today’s article, we will introduce you to 6 ways you can get rid of smelly feet as gently and effectively as possible. It’s best to try it out yourself!

1. Wear cotton socks against smelly feet

smelly feet - cotton socks

If you wear synthetic socks, these synthetic fibers prevent your feet from breathing. This creates moisture in the sock and this can lead to unpleasant odors.

This is exactly why you should therefore better access to socks made from high quality natural fibers such as cotton are produced.

You should also avoid wearing shoes without stockings. This bad habit encourages sweat and bacteria to build up in the shoe. Both cause bad smelling feet. The only exception here, of course, are sandals.

2. Choose the right shoes to prevent smelly feet

smelly feet - shoes

One of the main reasons for smelly feet is the choice of your shoes. If you wear shoes made of non-breathable material , your feet cannot breathe properly. This in turn promotes bacterial growth, which is responsible for the bad smell.

It is therefore very important that when you choose your shoes, make sure that they are made of high quality and breathable materials. This allows the natural moisture from your feet to escape through the material.

  • You should clean your shoes regularly and use a shoe deodorant.

3. Maintain good foot hygiene to prevent smelly feet

smelly feet - hygiene

Of course, you should wash your feet every day to avoid unpleasant smells. Daily foot washing also serves to remove dirt, fungi and bacteria as thoroughly as possible. As we mentioned earlier, these are the causes of the bad smell.

  • Wash your feet very thoroughly every day with a neutral and antibacterial soap. It is also important that you dry them off very well after washing them.

4. Soak your feet in black tea

smelly feet - black tea

Thanks to the high concentration of tannic acid, black tea is a very popular home remedy for smelly feet. The tannic acid eliminates bacteria and at the same time regulates the pH of your skin.


  • 5 tea bags with black tea
  • 750 ml of water


  • Boil the water, then add the tea bags.
  • Cover the tea and let it steep for 20 minutes.
  • Now remove the tea bags. When the infusion cools, pour it into a foot bath.


  • Soak your feet for 20 minutes.
  • Then dry your feet thoroughly. If necessary, repeat this application every day.

5. Try sage for smelly feet

smelly feet - sage

Another very good home remedy for foot odor is sage.

This medicinal plant is known for its diverse medicinal properties and, among other things, is also ideal for treating smelly feet.

You can use sage to reduce excessive foot sweating and bacterial growth.


  • 6 sage leaves
  • 750 ml of water


  • Add the sage leaves to the water.
  • Now you heat the water on the stove. As soon as it boils, take the pot off the hob.
  • Let the sage tea cool enough that you can’t burn yourself.
  • Pour the water through a strainer into a foot bath.


  • Soak your feet for 20 minutes.
  • Finally, dry your feet very thoroughly with a towel.

Note : You can also just put a few sage leaves in your shoes. This prevents unpleasant smells. 

6. Ginger massage for smelly feet

ginger tea

Did you know that ginger can also eliminate unpleasant foot odor? Its strong odor and the essential oils contained in ginger drive away odors and also prevent the growth of smelly microorganisms.


  • ½ ginger root
  • 750 ml of water


  • First, grate the ginger with a grater, then add it to a saucepan with the water.
  • Now let the ginger water simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.
  • Then you take the pot off the stove and let the mixture cool down.


  • Spray the ginger water over your feet and massage it in well.
  • Before you put your shoes back on afterwards, make sure that you dry off any wet areas on your feet.

Do you also suffer from stale feet? Then try our home remedies today!

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