6 Tips To Prevent Osteoarthritis From The Age Of 35

We may relate it to older people, but if we don’t protect our joints, osteoarthritis can occur even before the age of 36. That is why it is advisable to take preventive measures.

6 tips to prevent osteoarthritis from the age of 35

Osteoarthritis is a word that we normally associate with physical wear and tear. We assume that it is a disease of the elderly that comes on over time. But did you know that this is wear and tear on the joints and that osteoarthritis can occur as early as 35 ?

In our post we would like to inform you a little more in order to recognize the first signs early. You can also take simple measures to prevent osteoarthritis from the age of 35 .

What is osteoarthritis?

According to the International Osteoarthritis Foundation (OAFI), this is a “ degenerative joint disease that affects both the cartilage and the bones and soft tissue of the joint”.

So it’s not just an injury to one part of the body, but affects several interdependent parts that we need to protect: bones, cartilage, and tissues.

The role of the cartilage is always the same: it allows the bones to slide against each other to allow movement. However, if the articular cartilage wears out, the surface of the bones is exposed. If they rub against each other, severe pain occurs.

  • Often the most used joints, such as the hands and spine, and those that carry a lot of weight, such as the hips and knees, are affected.
  • Among the risk groups include the elderly, athletes and those who do hard work, where there is a high weight load and tension in the joints.

    What are the symptoms?

    The most common symptoms include:

    • Joint pain and stiffness
    • Swelling of the joints
    • Cracking when moving the joint
    • Decrease in joint function

    What are the causes of osteoarthritis?

    Overweight man with remote control

    There are many causes that can trigger this condition. However, the most common are:

    • spending too much time sitting
    • too much exercise
    • mechanical changes in the body
    • Trauma and microtrauma
    • Weakening of the cartilage due to poor diet

    Although genetic factors also play a role, the causes of osteoarthritis are usually found in lifestyle. Obesity is one of the main reasons people should pay attention to diet from a young age. Obese children tend to have osteoarthritis at some point in their life.

    It seems ironic, but too much and intense fitness can lead to osteoarthritis. Boxers, soccer players, and weightlifters tend to develop osteoarthritis over time.

    How is it diagnosed?

    Usually a specialist (rheumatologist, physiotherapist, or orthopedist) diagnoses the disease. The diagnosis of osteoarthritis usually results from the symptoms described above and an examination by the specialist.

    The doctor will do x-rays and other tests to determine the degree of the disease and rule out other joint disorders. He then prescribes treatment tailored to the individual patient.

    In the worst cases, surgery may be an option to relieve symptoms.

    6 tips to prevent osteoarthritis from the age of 35

    Like many other diseases, osteoarthritis can also be prevented. Genetic factors can influence them, but they are not necessarily decisive. Our living habits weigh more heavily here.

    Preventing osteoarthritis from 35 is relatively easy:

    1. Find out about the disease

    This does not only apply to people who are already ill, but applies to everyone. It is essential if you belong to one of the risk groups: women, athletes and obese people.

    If you are well informed, you can protect yourself better to avoid injuries and the appearance of osteoarthritis later. If a family member is affected, this also helps to deal with the disease.

    2. Do light exercise

    Physical activity helps strengthen muscles and joints. If you are an athlete, it is really important that you exercise under the supervision of a professional and see your doctor regularly to check the condition of your joints.

    Even if you are just starting out in fitness, it is imperative that you seek the advice of a professional trainer who will supervise you.

    You also have to supplement the training with information about the individual exercises. This will then help you learn each movement properly without overloading your muscles, bones and tendons.

    3. Eat a balanced diet so that overweight and obesity do not stand a chance

    If you suffer from obesity, weight loss will help you not to overload your joints and slow down the appearance of osteoarthritis. A balanced diet supports a healthy weight, depending on age and size.

    Your diet must be high in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Rather, avoid too much saturated fats, carbohydrates and sugar.

    4. Also nourish your articular cartilage with additives

    Consumption of additives such as collagen hydrolyzate, chondroitin, glucosamine and hyaluronic acid is ideal for nourishing the cartilage. It is recommended to eat a diet rich in these additives or to consume them in capsule form.

    Some additives, such as glucosamine, are made by our bodies on their own and are located near the joints. However, as we age, they diminish and the joint weakens. That is why it is important to consume them frequently.

    5. Avoid heavy loads and repetitive joint movements

    Do not lift heavy objects

    If you force the joints to carry heavy loads, they weaken. If you still have to lift heavily, this should not be done often and with great care. Repeated movements can also wear out the joints, which increases the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis.

    • If you have injured yourself or have to do heavy physical work, take frequent breaks.
    • Also protect your joints with elbow or knee pads to avoid complications.

    6. Use appropriate footwear

    Shoes that give us stability when walking and at the same time act as shock absorbers are best to avoid osteoarthritis from 35. Don’t wear high heels too often.

    You can of course wear them on special occasions, but you shouldn’t do that every day. They just throw you off balance with every step you take.

    This could make you fall faster and such footwear does not cushion your steps sufficiently. This increases the risk of injury.

    Follow these simple tips to reduce your chances of developing osteoarthritis. Don’t overload your joints, but protect them.

    If you feel pain in your knees, hips, or hands, see your doctor for a check-up. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

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