7 Habits Of Emotionally Intelligent People

Everyone is talking about the term “emotional intelligence”. But what are the behaviors of emotionally intelligent people?

7 habits of emotionally intelligent people

In this article today we will explain to you what emotional intelligence is and in particular what the behaviors and habits of emotionally intelligent people are. Maybe you can learn something and use it for yourself and your emotional intelligence?

Emotionally intelligent people

What exactly is emotional intelligence? The concept of emotional intelligence is still relatively new, it was only defined in 1990.

Emotional intelligence describes the ability to perceive one’s own feelings and those of other people. To interpret and understand them correctly and also to influence them. The most important skills that describe emotional intelligence are:

  • Recognize your own emotions
  • Influencing emotions
  • Turning emotions into action
  • Ability of empathy
  • Shaping relationships

    People who are particularly emotionally intelligent have habits and behaviors that we would like to introduce to you today:

    emotional intelligence

    Know yourself

    Emotionally intelligent people know themselves particularly well and know how to handle their own emotions well.

    They know which incidents lead to which emotional reactions in themselves and can handle them well because they are not surprised and overwhelmed by their own emotions.

    This means that conflicts arise less often, as such people rarely overreact and are in harmony with themselves and their feelings. Such people are perceived by their environment as very balanced.

    make decisions

    Emotionally intelligent people are good at making decisions and weighing them up on a factual level regardless of strong emotions.

    Such decisions are seldom made “on the basis of the gut feeling”, rather the decision is based on an analytical weighing of pros and cons.

    Since emotionally intelligent people know themselves and their own reactions to their emotions, decisions are usually made in such a way that they do not lead to major conflicts with themselves and others.

    Regulate your own emotions

    People who know themselves well and also know about their own emotions can also deal with their emotions well and regulate them in such a way that emotional overreactions occur less often.

    The result is equilibrium, because whoever knows how to react to emotions can regulate the reaction and thus be significantly more balanced overall.

    Emotionally intelligent people also know how their own reactions to emotions influence other people and regulate them accordingly. For example, if a person panics, it is possible to panic others too.

    Emotionally intelligent people would regulate their own panic in such a situation so as not to negatively influence other people. It works the other way round, of course, because positive feelings such as enthusiasm can also be contagious.


    Use empathy

    Empathy describes the ability to perceive other people’s feelings, to interpret them correctly and to react to them correctly.

    Emotionally intelligent people have a pronounced empathy and use this naturally and unconsciously when dealing with other people, which is why they are perceived as very pleasant and understanding.

    Open the heart

    Emotionally intelligent people are open to the feelings of others because such feelings have little influence on their own emotions. So you can open your heart to other people and stand by them.

    They are emotionally stable and are not afraid of experiencing strange, new emotions because they know that they are always in balance with themselves and their own emotions.


    High motivation

    Once an emotionally intelligent person has set a project in mind, their motivation is particularly high. He also puts this into practice  and carries it out to the end.

    Such people can only be guided by their own motivation and their own positive emotions and would never allow other people’s emotions to distract them from their own project.

    The stable emotional state prevents the motivation from wavering due to negative feelings of other people.

    To take responsibility

    Emotionally intelligent are good at taking responsibility. Responsibility primarily for yourself and your own life.

    Your secure emotional state makes it possible to stand behind your own decisions, to pursue your own goals and also to take responsibility for them. It is also popular to say that such people “have both feet on the ground” and “know what they are doing”.

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