7 Helpful Tips For Heat Allergies

A heat allergy can lead to a rash or redness. To alleviate this and reduce itching, we recommend various home remedies that we present to you today.

7 helpful tips for heat allergies

The so-called heat allergy is actually not an allergy at all. It is a heat rash in which red pustules appear on the skin when there are significant changes in body temperature or outside temperature.

Mostly it is a result of prolonged exposure to the sun or other heat sources, but the heat rash can also develop with great physical exertion.

In the case of a heat allergy , there is a rash, pustules and redness,  which are usually accompanied by unpleasant itching.

Often these symptoms become noticeable on the cheeks, neck, under the chest or other sensitive skin areas.
Sometimes there can also  be fever, dizziness and stomach discomfort,  which are then expressed as pain and gas.
While symptoms can be controlled with medications such as antihistamines and cortisone,  natural home remedies can also be very helpful. 
Then you will find the 7 best natural remedies for heat allergies that you should use at the first signs.

1. Baking soda for people with a heat allergy

baking powder

Baking soda on the skin can  relieve itching and is also very helpful for pustules.

This can regulate the pH of the skin, reduce inflammation and soothe the skin.


  • Mix some baking powder with a little water and then apply this paste to the irritated skin.
  • Leave to act for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  • Then repeat this treatment until the symptoms ease.

2. Ice

The use of ice is one of the best-known treatment options for irritated skin and is also very popular for people with heat allergies.

The cold can alleviate inflammation,  improve blood circulation and, moreover, regulate body temperature. 


  • Wrap some ice cubes in a soft cloth and use them to gently massage the affected areas of the skin.
  • Then repeat this treatment two to three times a week.

3. Olive oil

olive oil

Olive oil is a well-known beauty product for the skin because it contains important fatty acids that help against dryness and premature aging.

What few people know is  that it can also be used to alleviate heat allergies. The oil regulates the pH of the skin and also reduces itching.


  • Apply a little olive oil to the affected areas of the skin and then massage in gently.
  • Then repeat this treatment twice a day.

4. Aloe Vera

As you’d expect, aloe vera shouldn’t be missing from this list. This herb can also be used to relieve symptoms of heat rash.

The refreshing effect helps with pustules and redness and at the same time relieves the feeling of heat.

Since aloe vera provides large amounts of water and antioxidants,  it naturally supplies the skin with moisture and regulates the pH value. 


  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (15 g)


  • Apply a tablespoon of aloe vera to the affected areas of the skin and then massage in gently.
  • Let the gel work for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.
  • Then use it up to three times a day.

5. Chamomile tea

Camomile tea

Cold chamomile tea  is refreshing and soothes the skin and pustules caused by the heat rash.

You can also drink this to regulate your body temperature and also to relieve digestive problems.


  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers (10 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Scald the chamomile flowers with the boiling water and then let them steep for 10 minutes. As soon as the drink has reached a tolerable temperature, you can rub it gently on the skin.
  • In addition, you can then drink two cups of it a day.

6. Oats

The moisturizing, repairing and soothing properties of oats can also be very helpful in those suffering from a heat allergy.

It can relieve skin redness and itching,  and reduce inflammation and rashes. 


  • Place a cup of oats in a bowl of lukewarm water, then soak the affected areas in it for five minutes.
  • You can also add rose water and use it to massage the skin gently.
  • Then repeat this treatment once a day until symptoms relieve.

7. Apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

The natural acids in apple cider vinegar regulate the pH value of the skin and also inhibit skin reactions.

Direct application relieves symptoms such as  itching and redness. 


  • Mix equal parts water and apple cider vinegar, pour into a spray bottle, and then squirt the mixture onto the skin.
  • Then wait for this home remedy to be absorbed.
  • Then use this treatment twice a day.

As you can see,  there are several all-natural home remedies that can be very helpful for a heat allergy.

However, do not use two different agents at the same time to prevent adverse reactions.

Choose one of the treatments and follow the directions for good results.

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