7 HUGE Changes In Your Diet That You Should Implement Today

Whether it’s for your health or you just want to feel better about yourself. There are certain changes you can make in your diet that will give you an extra dose of energy and well-being

7 HUGE Diet Changes You Should Make Today

Any change you make in your diet should be healthy and tailored to your personal needs.

If you already know that you should eat better, lose weight, or do everything possible to lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, these suggestions in our post can help you.

Below we suggest you make these HUGE changes today to feel better right away.

You only need 2 things: willpower and perseverance. Taking care of your own health sometimes costs very little, but it brings a lot. 

1. The lemon, always present in your diet

On our blog we have mentioned on many occasions how beneficial it is to start the day with a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice.

However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to enjoying the benefits of lemon only in the first few hours of the morning. There are many other ways to use the lemon.

  • When you’re making your salad, add a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Also add a little lemon to lean meats like chicken or turkey.
  • Add some lemon juice to your tea as well.

These small squirts of lemon juice, with which you can refine your diet , help, for example, to absorb iron much better in the body, to ensure a good supply of vitamin C over the long term and to make the body alkaline.

2. For breakfast, oatmeal or peanut butter

peanut butter

We all already know the great nutritional values ​​of oatmeal and how healthy it is to have it at breakfast.

However … have you ever made a slice of rye bread with peanut butter for your first meal of the day?

  • There are many people who avoid peanut butter because it is very high in calories.
  • However, you shouldn’t forget the following: The peanut contains vegetable fat, which is heart healthy and provides you with a lot of energy.
  • You can get the most out of peanut butter by eating small amounts.
  • Eating a spoonful of peanut butter with a slice of high-fiber bread will gain strength, maintain heart health, and be full for a significantly longer period of time.

3. “Green” and cleansing soups for dinner

green soups

One of the healthiest, tastiest and most effective changes is making “green” and cleansing soups for dinner.

You can then prepare such a soup with the following vegetables:

  • celery
  • broccoli
  • artichokes
  • Cucumber
  • spinach
  • zucchini
  • Brussels sprouts

All of these foods have one thing in common: they are vegetables, which then promote liver health.

One should not forget that paying attention to the health of the liver, especially in the evening, helps to detoxify the organism better, ensures better sleep and means that you get up with significantly more energy the next morning.

4. Say yes to seeds in your diet

Seeds are these little helpers that we like to forget in our diet . However, now is the time to make some changes and enjoy all of the benefits that they come with.

  • Chia seeds are the seeds with the highest levels of antioxidants as well as proteins.
  • Hemp seeds provide us with many different amino acids.
  • Flax seeds also lower the level of fats in the blood.
  • Pumpkin seeds are particularly rich in vitamins from the B complex.

Start adding them to all your dishes, salads, and natural shakes right away!

5. The optimal combination of foods


One often forgets the fact that foods, combined in the right way, have an even more digestive effect and help to alleviate certain ailments even better.

Note some of our suggestions that can help you in your everyday life:

  • Salad with avocado and tomato.
  • Sweet potatoes or sweet potatoes in the oven with a few drops of coconut oil on top are not only delicious for the palate, but also a natural medicine for beautiful and pure skin.
  • If you get hungry at lunchtime, remember: Eat an apple with about 30 g of dark chocolate, a “bomb” filled with flavonoids.

More dishes to add to your diet:

  • Papaya with natural yoghurt, ideal for the intestines.
  • Salmon with garlic.
  • Melon with blueberries.
  • Eggs with a few slices of avocado.
  • Chicken breast with green asparagus
  • Beetroot, carrot and lemon juice.

6. White tea

If you already think of tea as one of your favorites, take the step and make a sensational change: start drinking white tea.

  • White tea contains significantly more antioxidants than green tea and is low in protein. Therefore, it does not increase arterial blood pressure.
  • White tea is delicious, mild, diuretic, and cleansing. It is also very helpful to make it easier to lose weight.

7. Rye bread, especially rich in fiber

Rye bread

In order to ensure the best possible attention to your diet , you should necessarily avoid white flour and refined sugar.

A wonderful alternative to white bread is then without a doubt rye bread:

  • It’s filling and high in fiber
  • Rye bread contains proteins, minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese), vitamins (B1, folic acid, thiamine, niacin) and many different antioxidants …

Do you want to try all of this out?

Start making these changes today. You will feel better then  immediately!

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