7 Reasons You Should Be Squatting Every Day

You may be surprised, but squats are a great exercise that can help you strengthen your knees. They also train your stomach, back, legs and also your hips. Today we’re going to tell you 7 reasons why you should do squats every day.

7 reasons why you should squat every day

When it comes to exercise and physical activity, there are numerous routines out there that offer more benefits than you think. One of these exercises are squats, also squats called.

They have many positive effects on the body that will help you get a better figure.

As you know, squats are one of the basic exercises that appear in all types of strength and fitness training.

They work directly on your thighs, hips, and glutes. They also strengthen your leg and hip bones, as well as the ligaments and tendons in these areas.

Also, squats are one of the three exercises in powerlifting and they are great for developing and strengthening your legs. For some people, they are the main exercise in training.

If you have joint problems or related illnesses, it is important to consult your doctor before including this exercise in your workout.

In the following we will tell you the main advantages of squats and show you different variations of these exercises.

1. You will get more strength

An exercise as simple as squats will strengthen specific areas such as the buttocks, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

In addition, squats help improve your strength, which is essential for better mobility.

Squats also stimulate the hormones responsible for keeping your muscles in perfect condition and for strengthening your entire body. If you do your squats with weights, you can intensify these benefits.

2. Squats train your legs and buttocks

Squats - woman in the park

Regular squats will help you get well-defined legs and glutes.

This simple movement is an excellent way to build muscle quickly, and it will help you tone these areas of your body.

3. Your agility improves

While squats are so easy, they will also help you greatly improve your agility and mobility.

According to a study by Yonsei University (South Korea), squats are a great way to improve your range of motion in your hips and joints, and this in turn helps reduce lower back and knee pain.

If done correctly, they shouldn’t make your joints worse. Therefore, squats are an exercise that is recommended for practically everyone.

Nevertheless, it is always advisable to see a specialist if you feel uncomfortable during training.

4. Squats stabilize your body

With an exercise as simple as squats with weights, you can strengthen your core and ultimately stabilize your entire body through the sequence of movements.

The transverse and straight muscles that make up your stomach are tensed throughout the squat. This in turn helps you get a flatter and firmer stomach.

And stronger muscles can help prevent future injuries.

5. Squats are helpful for your back

Squats - man at the doctor

While it might not be obvious, squats are a great way to improve your posture. This is confirmed by a study carried out by the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Ohio, USA.

Regardless of whether you are doing the squats with or without weights, you will find that you are using your lower back during the exercise, which will stabilize the whole body through the movement.

So you strengthen the muscles that are responsible for good posture. Therefore, regular exercise will automatically gradually improve your posture.

6. One leg squats

There is a variant of squats that you can only do with one leg:

  • To do this variation, you need to put all of your weight on your right foot while lifting your left leg off the floor while bending your left knee.
  • Then you have to extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height.
  • Then bend your right knee and move your hips back and down until your right knee is parallel to the floor.
  • Keep your chest straight and push yourself off with the toes of your right foot until you are back in the starting position.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps each and you will notice the difference.

7. Squats with weights

Squats with weights

As we mentioned earlier, you can also do squats with additional weights.

  • For these type of squats, you will need a medicine ball or some weights that you hold in front of your chest.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and lift your chest.
  • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees. Move your hips back until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Now you are slowly returning to the starting position. Do three sets of 10 repetitions each with a 30-second break between sets.
  • When you have done this exercise, you will notice the change in your body and you will feel much stronger.

We hope these squat ideas have been helpful to you. We’d also like to remind you that it’s important to exercise regularly while staying well hydrated.

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