8 Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Eat Every Day

It is important to include foods in your diet that have anti-inflammatory effects. At the same time, you should also eliminate foods from your diet that can cause inflammation, especially fats and sugars.

8 Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Eat Every Day

Have you ever heard that there are anti-inflammatory foods ? If you have inflammation, it is part of the healing process in your body. Your immune system is activated when it detects any harmful influences that may come from outside or from your body itself.

Inflammation is typically characterized by more blood flowing to the affected area. The area is also red, painful, and hot to the touch.

Inflammation is usually caused by pathogens or other irritants. In some cases, however, inflammation can also be caused by a traumatic event or a progressive illness.

How severe an inflammation is depends very much on what triggered it. However, any inflammation, whether mild or severe, is an impairment to your physical well-being and must be treated accordingly.

Fortunately, nature offers us a multitude of options for treating virtually any type of inflammation with natural means.

In today’s article, we’d like to introduce you to the eight best anti-inflammatory foods that you can now include in your daily diet.

1. Anti-inflammatory foods: blueberries

Blueberries;  anti-inflammatory foods

Blueberries have become a very popular food because they are high in fiber and have antioxidant effects. Fiber and antioxidants help ensure that your cells are always protected from harmful influences.

Blueberries are also very rich in vitamins and contain many important minerals. All of these properties help to balance inflammatory processes in your body. This effect also occurs with chronic inflammatory conditions in your body, such as arthritis or heart problems.

2. Anti-inflammatory foods: onions

If you want to reduce the risk of getting inflammation or other infectious diseases, then you should eat onions regularly.

The onion contains powerful anti-inflammatory agents such as allicin and quercetin. Both substances help your tissue to protect itself from the negative influence of free radicals.

In addition, onions have excellent antibiotic and antifungal (antifungal) properties, which are very important for strengthening your immune system.

3. Anti-inflammatory foods: garlic

Garlic: anti-inflammatory foods

The health benefits of garlic are very similar to the positive properties of onions. Therefore, you can of course also include garlic in your daily diet. This means that you have another anti-inflammatory food available that supports your body in the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

Allicin, one of the most important active ingredients in garlic, is a natural pain reliever and also has a calming effect. These properties are ideal for pain relief, such as arthritis.

4. Anti-inflammatory foods: tomatoes

These delicious vegetables are a rich source of essential nutrients and are particularly known for their decongestant and pain relieving properties. And of course, it’s easy to incorporate tomatoes into your daily eating plan.

Tomatoes are high in lycopene, a very powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants prevent the negative effects of free radicals in the body and also ensure that inflammatory processes in the body and tissue do not even arise.

And of course tomatoes contain many important vitamins and minerals. Once these are absorbed into the body, they protect your cells. They also support the detoxification processes in your body, which ensure that toxins and pathogens cannot accumulate.

5. Anti-inflammatory foods: coconut oil

Coconut oil: anti-inflammatory foods

In recent years coconut oil has become a very important product in cosmetics, but also for health care. This is because of the fantastic benefits coconut oil and the essential nutrients it contains.

Although coconut oil is high in calories and fat, it is very easily digested and metabolized by the body. The contained antioxidants also offer very good protection for your entire body.

The use of coconut oil is particularly recommended to combat inflammation in the muscles and joints. In addition, coconut oil improves your blood circulation and, thanks to its warming effect, it also helps you to relax.

6. Anti-inflammatory foods: flaxseed

Flaxseed is a very important food with anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it is a vegetable source of essential omega-3 fatty acids and various phytochemicals.

These substances help your body tissue to regulate inflammatory processes. And on top of that, they are a highly effective remedy for the aging of your cells.

And flaxseed has other benefits as well. For example, it can help ensure that your hormonal balance is and remains balanced. Regular consumption also supports the detoxification processes of your body and combats disease-causing bacteria.

And last but not least, flaxseed contains valuable fiber that improves your digestion and thus counteracts the development of intestinal problems.

7. Anti-inflammatory foods: pineapple

Pineapple: anti-inflammatory foods

This delicious tropical fruit offers you numerous health benefits.

The main anti-inflammatory ingredient in pineapple is bromelain, a natural enzyme. It contains powerful antioxidants, can fight cancer, and has many other beneficial effects on your body.

Furthermore, the consumption of pineapple has a  diuretic and cleansing effect. In this way, it helps you remove toxins and water retention from your body, which can also lead to inflammation.

Consuming pineapple regularly will help keep your joints healthy. Is also the risk of digestive and cardiovascular disease reduced.

8. Anti-inflammatory foods: cold water fish

Cold water fish should not be missing from the list of the top eight anti-inflammatory foods. It has a significant proportion of important omega-3 fatty acids.

This food group is rich in amino acids and antioxidants and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and joint problems.

Adding cold water fish to your diet at least twice a week will also help you remove stored fats from your arteries. Fats, in turn, would promote inflammation. 

Some very good cold water fish are:

  • tuna
  • salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • cod
  • herring
  • Trout

And how often do you eat these foods? Now that you know how good they are for your body and health, you could try adding them to your daily diet more often.

Basically , consuming these foods will strengthen your entire immune system. And they also help you to reduce the effects of various health complaints.

It is also important that you eat as little bad fats and sugar as possible, because these could negatively influence the positive and anti-inflammatory effect of the foods mentioned and reduce it.


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