8 Lies That Happy People Don’t Believe

Happy people know how to seize opportunities and don’t wait until the right moment has come. You make sure that it comes or you use every opportunity to achieve your goals.

8 lies that lucky people won't believe

Happy people have several things in common: they have confidence, security and a good sense of self.

Happy people are able to achieve their goals and make radical changes. It may seem like they get there without much effort, but this is far from reality.

How do you do it? Happy people know their limits and work to overcome them.

However, most ordinary people believe in certain ideas that are wrong.

1. You can’t …

Mountain range

Often times we speak out loud thoughts about things we want to do and get the answer, “You can’t do this.”

We often believe that too and don’t see it as a lie.

Look around: Everything we have in life is available to us because someone had the idea to make it a reality. 

  • If JK Rowling thought she was unable to write or make a living, the world would not have known Harry Potter.

You can very well achieve the majority of things if you really set yourself a goal.

2. I need … to …

It is true that you need a job to make money, but you don’t have to give up your goals to get that money.

Happy people  realize that waiting for the perfect situation to do something is completely illogical. 

Most of the time, all you need is determination to achieve your desires. Believe You Can Do It!
Most of the things we consider vital to achieving our goals just require a bit of ingenuity.

3. Happy people never say: I don’t feel like it …

This feeling is quite normal, but at the same time an illusion. Sometimes we feel like scammers or like we are filling a position that is not meant for us.

You are your own strength, you have to motivate yourself and believe in yourself.

Of course you can’t feel good all the time, but you have to believe in yourself and under no circumstances should you allow someone to break your trust. 

If you have the wrong feeling, try to find out what exactly is going on and why you are feeling this way.

Remember that much of your successes have been made possible by trusting yourself.

4. I’m too old for …


Don’t let anyone make you believe that you are too old. You shouldn’t talk yourself into that either.

Happy people know that this is one of the biggest lies.

Age is just a number that determines how much time has passed since you were born. However, it is not an obstacle that grows larger over time.

So age does not matter: there are always opportunities to change, improve and implement new ideas!

If someone wants to teach you the opposite, you simply answer: “My age is the mirror of my possibilities, not my limits!”

5. It’s easy to say, but I can’t do it

Of course, it’s always easier to say something than to do it. Everyone can express wishes and dreams, but making them come true is exhausting.

Happy people know  that they must take the necessary steps to achieve what they want. 

You are not satisfied with dreaming about it. They know that their dreams are the basis of their actions  and they do everything in their power to make them come true. 

6. Control is everything

Happy people accept that they cannot control everything and therefore focus their time on controlling what they can and being surprised by other things.

You have realized that trying to control everything is a waste of energy and time. So don’t be fooled: Don’t  waste your concentration on uncontrollable things.

7. Life is unjust

This belief is widespread and causes depression in many people. Actually, life is just.

Of course, bad things happen and we all, including the happy people, have to face reality. However, that does not mean that life is unjust.

Happy people blindly trust in the righteousness of life. They understand that pain and suffering are temporary conditions, but not critical in life.

Of course bad things happen. However, life in itself is a miracle worth celebrating and that is a good thing.

8. There are no happy people

This sentence is heard over and over again, but here, too, it is a lie. Of course there is happiness and of course there are happy people.

Believe in it, because you too have earned it, believe in your own happiness!

We all have the power to be happy in our hands. 

Happiness is a right we are born with, even if we often think it isn’t because we feel inferior.

Most of the time, this happens because someone said it to you, but just don’t believe it. Don’t forget: being happy is a right that  you have to claim for yourself!

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