8 Natural Remedies For Mouth Ulcers

Soda can be uncomfortable on small injuries at first, but it is an excellent remedy!

8 natural remedies for mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers, aphthae or small blisters in the mouth can be very uncomfortable, even if they usually go away quickly on their own. It is a whitish or yellowish sore in the mouth with a red border around  it.

The canker sores  often develop  in the inner area of ​​the lips, in the cheek area or on the tongue. They can be painful and bothersome, especially when talking, eating, or drinking.

Today we are informing you about various natural mouth ulcer remedies that will help very quickly and effectively.

How do mouth ulcers develop?

Before we go into more detail about the various remedies for canker sores, let’s look at the reasons why they arise.

The most common causes of canker sores are as follows:

  • Friction with teeth or trauma (from biting your cheek)
  • Infections and weakened immune system
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Stress and nervousness
  • Lack of nutrients, allergies, or heartburn.

If you have mouth ulcers very often, it could possibly be due to an unbalanced, unhealthy diet. In this case, avoid spicy or spicy foods, as these irritate the mucous membranes in the mouth and increase the risk of mouth ulcers.

In addition, you shouldn’t forget to drink 2 liters of water a day so that the mouth area does not dry out. Don’t forget  to include enough B vitamin in your diet to prevent mouth ulcers. 

The following foods are particularly recommended:

  • Seeds (sunflower and pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds)
  • Dried fruits (almonds, hazelnuts, nuts)
  • Whole grain cereals (lentils, chickpeas, beans)
  • Fruit (apples, raspberries, oranges)
  • Vegetables (potatoes, onions, spinach, garlic)

Home remedies for stomach ulcers

With these simple home remedies you can alleviate the discomfort and promote wound healing in a natural way:

1. Medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs are easy to purchase and they have numerous advantages. In particular, those plants are recommended that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and digestive effects.

These include the following medicinal herbs:

  • chamomile
  • Marigold
  • rosemary
  • thyme
  • sage

The preparation and use are the same in all cases:


  • 1 tablespoon of the chosen herb (10 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Bring the water with the cabbage to a boil.
  • Reduce the temperature and let the cabbage simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and let steep for another 10 minutes.
  • Then pour through a sieve to remove the solids.
  • Drink this tea while it is still slightly warm.
  • If you wish, you can sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey (25 g).

2. Coconut water

You can buy coconut water from a health food store or a well-stocked grocery store, but we recommend buying a whole coconut because it contains more nutrients.

  • You use the coconut water to rinse your  mouth three to four times a day. 

    3. Tea tree oil for canker sores

    Tea tree oil against canker sores

    This essential oil has a strong antiseptic effect and is therefore very effective in the fight against fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms that like to stay in the mouth.

    Tea tree oil is very strong, so  we recommend diluting it with water or an herbal tea. 

    • Use this mixture as a mouthwash, especially where you have the ulcer.
    • Let the home remedy work for 20 minutes before you drink or eat anything.
    • Repeat this treatment two to three times a day.

      4. Aloe vera for canker sores

      Aloe vera also has a strong antiseptic effect and is also characterized by its  anti-inflammatory, regenerating and moisturizing properties. 

      It is a wonderful natural remedy that should not be missing in any household. You can use it to effectively heal the canker sores. Aloe vera is also very useful for other skin ailments, burns, cuts, etc.!

      This medicinal plant can be used very easily:

      • Cut an aloe leaf lengthways and you can remove the gel.
      • Apply this generously to the wound and let it work (do not rinse out).
      • You can also mix aloe with water to make a mouthwash.

      5. Yogurt for canker sores

      Yogurt for canker sores

      Use sugar-free natural yogurt, otherwise you will not get the desired effect. Sugar-free Greek yogurt is also good for treating mouth ulcers.

      The healthy strains of bacteria in yogurt regulate the pH value in the mouth and at the same time heal the wounds.

      • If you are prone to mouth ulcers, we recommend that you eat a cup of yogurt every day.
      • For wound healing, you can apply yogurt directly with a cotton swab.

      6. Baking soda for canker sores

      Baking soda is very efficient, but it can be a little painful. But after a few seconds the symptoms are over and wound healing can begin.

      There are several ways to use baking soda:

      • Make a paste of equal parts water and baking soda and apply it to the sore spots.
      • Dissolve baking soda in water to rinse your mouth.

        If you don’t have baking soda on hand, you can also do rinses with salt water.

        7. Ice cubes against canker sores

        Ice cubes against canker sores

        At the first sign of a mouth ulcer, an ice cube can provide relief and reduce inflammation.

        • Wrap the ice cube in a cloth or plastic bag to prevent cold burns and hold it over the wound.
        • Let the cold stay on for as long as possible.

        8. hydrogen peroxide

        Hydrogen peroxide is also a popular home remedy for canker sores. It has an antiseptic effect and promotes wound healing.

        • You can apply hydrogen peroxide directly with a cotton swab or dilute it with water to make a mouthwash.

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