8 Tips Against Hair Loss Due To A Thyroid Disorder

With thyroid disorders, brittle, weak hair occurs. Therefore, diet should be adjusted to nourish the hair from the inside. It is also a good idea to avoid stress so that the problem does not get worse.

8 tips against hair loss due to a thyroid disorder

A thyroid disorder can lead to changes in the whole organism and also cause hair loss.

Not many people know that there is a link between  thyroid and hair health.

The thyroid stimulates the hair follicles, regulates the health of the sebum glands, and is also involved in sebum production.

It is therefore not surprising  that a thyroid disorder can lead to chronic and diffuse hair loss,  which is usually very difficult to control.

Patients with hyperthyroidism or hyperthyroidism usually suffer from brittle and brittle hair.

However, there are several recommendations and treatment options that  can help strengthen and condition your hair. 

Then we will give you 7 important tips that you can easily implement. Read on to learn more about it.

1. Diagnosing a thyroid  disorder with laboratory analysis

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If you suspect that your hair loss is due to a thyroid disorder, you should get a medical examination and appropriate analyzes.

In this way you can learn more about  your thyroid activity and find out whether a disorder is actually present.

You should also watch for other symptoms that could indicate thyroid disease.

2. Correct dosage of thyroid hormone

If a thyroid disorder is diagnosed,  you will likely be given thyroid hormone medication  to control symptoms.

Medical supervision plays an important role here, as the drug must be precisely adapted to the needs of the organism.

3. Improve your diet

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You should always eat a healthy diet, not just when problems arise. But with a thyroid disorder, the right diet is particularly important.

The unbalanced hormonal balance can reduce the ability to absorb high-quality nutrients, so  the diet should be balanced and complete.

Avoid harmful and inflammatory foods that could worsen symptoms.

Dairy products, gluten and genetically modified foods (corn, soy and various plants) should be avoided if possible.

However, foods with the following nutrients are very important:

  • iodine
  • selenium
  • zinc
  • iron
  • Vitamins A, B and D

4. More collagen

Collagen is a protein that is rich in amino acids and also contains glutamine. This active ingredient  makes hair strong and elastic,  which is very important to maintain hair health.

The organism can produce collagen itself, but it is still important to take it in with your diet, as its production decreases with age.

The consumption of collagen is also beneficial for  bones and joints,  and it can also reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

The following foods are recommended:

  • Gelatin,
  • Red fruits,
  • Citrus fruits,
  • Egg white,
  • Legumes and
  • Seafood.

5. Avoid heat treatments

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Heat treatments with a blow dryer, straightener, or other techniques are the number one enemy for your hair, especially if it’s already weakened from a thyroid disorder.

They damage the structure of the hair and over time lead to brittle hair that  falls out more quickly.

6. More water

Not only is water of the utmost importance for all body systems, you should also ensure that you drink enough fluids for the  health of your hair.

Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to keep the scalp from drying out and to promote blood circulation.

7. Gelatin in the shampoo

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Proteins and collagen contained in gelatin are very useful for strengthening and nourishing hair.

In contrast to other commercially available products  , gelatine has no side effects and is very inexpensive. 

If you use this tip regularly, you can reduce excessive hair loss and alleviate other ailments caused by the thyroid disorder as well.

Half an envelope is sufficient for a shampoo bottle (250 ml).

8. Avoid stress

Stress can worsen thyroid disorders and also lead to increased hair loss.

A negative state of mind  also has detrimental effects on hair health and often leads to hair loss.

Don’t forget  to follow your doctor’s instructions and have regular check-ups.

You can then incorporate the tips mentioned here into your everyday life to maintain the health of your hair.

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