8 Tips For Protecting The Eyes When Using Electronic Devices

When you sit in front of the screen, don’t forget to blink frequently. You should also take short breaks from time to time to relax your eyes.

8 tips to protect your eyes when using electronic devices

In the modern world that is flooded with online technological devices, people spend many long hours in front of the screen without properly protecting their eyes.

Even if most users ignore it: The light from display devices  has a negative effect on the eyes which can lead to serious problems in the medium and long term.

The more technology, the more people suffer from eye diseases –  the number of those affected will continue to increase as electronic devices become more and more used and longer.

In order to reduce the risk of secondary symptoms, you can take various  recommendations into account and thus minimize the negative impact of these devices on your eyes.

In today’s post, you’ll find 8 helpful tips. Apply them!

1. Eye exercises

Relax your eyes

If you ‘ve sat in front of the screen for too long, you won’t blink as often as you should. Sooner or later, therefore, dry eyes will occur.

It is therefore crucial to step away from the screen for a few seconds at least every 20 minutes to perform simple eye exercises that keep the eyes hydrated.

A good option is to blink several times while focusing your gaze on one point. You can also cover one eye and focus on a specific point and then repeat this with the other eye.

2. Keep the correct distance from the screen

Many optometrists recommend  keeping a distance of at least 30 cm from the screen.

If you work with a computer at your desk, you should also pay attention to the appropriate posture, which allows you to operate the keyboard but keep the recommended distance.

3. Soak up the sun with your eyes

Woman relaxing with eyes closed

If the eyes are constantly exposed to a screen and LED lighting is also used, this can lead to long-term discomfort.

Natural light is healthy  and reduces the effects of artificial light on the eyes. It is therefore advisable to soak up the sun for a few minutes in the fresh air, go for a walk in the park or enjoy nature in other ways.

This healthy habit also helps regulate the natural heart rhythm, improve the quality of sleep and improve your mood.

4. Adjust the screen lighting

Cell phones tire your eyes

The screen lighting of all devices can be  adapted to the environment and the needs of the eyes.

If you are in a well-lit place, the setting must be changed so that the screen does not reflect and thereby overstrain your organs of vision. The lighting can be reduced in the dark.

If the screen shines too much, the eyes have to strain, which can lead to discomfort in the long term.

5. Use protective goggles

Even if you don’t have any eye problems yet, it is good to get advice from an expert on whether protective glasses might be helpful.

Many can use it to improve their eyesight, as  the screen does not dazzle and the eyes are not unnecessarily strained and tired. Whenever you work in front of a screen, the glasses must be used to  protect the eyes as well as possible. 

6. Better nutrition

Not only general health can be looked after with a balanced diet. The eyes also need certain nutrients  to strengthen them and protect them from possible screen damage. This can also improve the performance of the optic nerve. The following nutrients are important for the eyes:

  • Essential fatty acids (Omega 3)
  • Vitamin A,
  • Zinc,
  • Vitamin C,
  • Vitamin E and
  • Antioxidants.

7. Regular breaks

Sleeping also promotes eye health

Eye experts recommend all those who sit in front of the screen for a long time to take a break of 15-20  minutes every 2 hours.

No other electronic devices may be used during this time. It is advisable to blink your eyes frequently during the break or to close them for a while so that they are well moistened.

8. Reduce the use of display devices

Many like to think back to the time when the technological dependency was less or nonexistent, because this left more time for social contacts.

But why should we give up these good habits? No message on a social network can replace a real handshake or even a hug from a loved one.

You should be aware of this. You also know that sitting in front of the screen for too long is bad for your eyes. So why not spend a little less time in front of screen devices  and enjoy the remaining time with other activities?

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