9 Interesting Facts About Coffee

Almost everyone of us likes to drink coffee. It is so naturally a part of our life that we hardly think about where it comes from and what coffee can do. And with that, there are a lot of interesting facts about coffee.

9 interesting facts about coffee

We drink it every day. We like it and it makes us feel good. Coffee can also be a nice excuse for meeting up with friends or family again. And just its delicious scent gives us a pleasant feeling. In addition, there are many other interesting facts about coffee that you probably do not know all.

In today’s article we want to tell you about some of these fascinating facts about coffee .

The best thing to do is make yourself a cup of coffee and just keep reading! 

Facts about coffee that will amaze you

There are people who cannot “function” properly without a cup of hot and fragrant coffee. Coffee is the perfect pick-me-up in the morning. And especially after lunch, it will help you get rid of your tiredness when you would much rather take a little nap than keep working.

If you’re a big coffee fan too, you should know these interesting facts about coffee:

1. Coffee originally comes from Ethiopia

Cup of coffee - facts about coffee

The coffee beans grow on the coffee plant. This originally comes from the province of Kaffa in Abyssinia, Ethiopia. Coffee grows wild in this high area.

The benefits of this drink, which is now widely used around the world, were discovered by the Galla tribe in the 11th century. They mixed the beans with animal fat so they could enjoy them. Coffee later made it to Arabia and from there it conquered the whole world.

2. Coffee grows in tropical countries

Did you know that a third of the world’s coffee production comes from Brazil?  The rest are from Colombia, Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries.

3. There are two main types of coffee

Coffee beans - facts about coffee

Although Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) is more common, there is another variety, Robusta coffee (C offea Canephora ). This variety is stronger and contains more acid.

75% of the world’s cultivation are Arabica beans. Growing them is more difficult and requires more care than growing Robusta beans. These in turn are used to make instant coffee. Sometimes they are also mixed with Arabica beans. The Robusta beans are more resilient and therefore easier to grow.

And there are other interesting facts about coffee.

4. Coffee was once called “Arabic wine”

When Europeans first encountered Arab culture, they became aware of a dark drink that Arabs drank on a daily basis.

At that time, coffee was called “ Qahwat-al-bun ” in the East . One could translate it as “wine of the bean”. What was originally known in Arabic as “ Qahwat ( cajua ), the Turks called “ Kahveh ”  ( kajve ). And this word was taken over into many other languages and each modified slightly: so is the coffee in English  coffee , the Italians call him  caffe, Spanish, Portuguese and French drink a  caf é.

In Japan it is pronounced “ Koji ” and in China “ kafei guan ”. You see, coffee is actually a global drink.

5. One of the first cafes in Western Europe opened in London

Woman with Coffee - Facts About Coffee

No sooner had coffee found its way to Europe than the British, among others, discovered it for themselves. At that time, tea from Asia was already a very popular drink in England. One of the first cafes in Western Europe opened in London in 1652, the first was founded in Venice as early as 1647.

At that time, cafes weren’t just places to drink coffee. They were also popular meeting places for politicians, artists, thinkers, philosophers and lawyers. For this reason, King Charles II’s Prosecutor wanted to close it in 1676 as well. However, he was unsuccessful with it.

As early as 1700 there were more than 2000 cafés in the British capital. The first coffee house opened in Berlin in 1670 and in Paris in 1686. A new technique for making coffee was also developed here: beans were placed in a filter and scalded with hot water.

Another really curious story about coffee takes place in Russia. It was forbidden to drink coffee here under threat of torture and mutilation. When the Tsar’s police found someone with a nervous breakdown or other nervous discomfort, they were told that the cause was coffee consumption.

6. “Caffè sospeso” or “deferred coffee”

The next fact on our list of interesting facts about coffee is a very timely story. It is an act of solidarity with your neighbors and those around you. Maybe you’ve heard of it too?

The tradition originally comes from Naples. A few decades ago, people there began to pay not only for their own coffee, but also for another, which they did not even drink themselves.

The idea behind this is that you pay for a coffee for the next customer. Those who cannot afford coffee can then go to cafes (participating in the action) and drink a coffee that an unknown person has paid for. This custom has recently started spreading across Europe.

7. The “demonic” drink

Beans - Facts About Coffee

We do not know exactly whether this legend is true or not. But the story is so good that we definitely don’t want to withhold it from you. Catholics once asked Pope Clement VII to ban the consumption of coffee because it was a drink of the devil.

They justified this claim with the fact that the coffee was produced by the Arabs. The particularly devout therefore considered coffee to be a “work of the heretics”.

8. The artificial fragrance in today’s “coffee houses”

What do you think the owners of the first coffee houses in Italy or England would say if they went to a Starbucks today? There are some things that you would be shocked and upset about, but there is one thing that you would particularly dislike: the fact that there are rumors that Starbucks is using artificial scents in its stores.

This will attract you to the delicious smell of coffee on the street. The likelihood that you will then go in and have a coffee without hesitation is very high. Think about it. Perhaps it has already happened to you that you walked past a modern “coffee house” and suddenly wanted to have a coffee.

How can that happen? Very easily. The operators know exactly how to address your instincts and use them in their favor!

9. Coffee is a good fertilizer

Coffee mask - facts about coffee

Did you know that you can use the coffee grounds to fertilize your plants? Due to its high nitrogen content, it is very suitable for roses and fruit trees, but you can also use coffee grounds to fertilize other plants. Ground coffee also supplies the soil with trace elements such as phosphorus and potassium.

Therefore, we recommend that you save the coffee grounds after you’ve made yourself a cup of coffee. It is best to use it to supply your plants with valuable nutrients!

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