9 Natural Tips For Better Hair Growth

In order to promote hair growth, it is not only advisable to take in more proteins, external hair care also plays an important role.

9 natural tips for better hair growth

Long, beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of many women all over the world, because this is very important for an attractive appearance. But what can you do for better  hair growth ?

Many struggle with hair loss, brittle or weak hair, and other ailments that disrupt hair growth and affect beauty.

Fortunately, there are numerous beauty treatments and professional hair-care techniques that can produce good results and make you look beautiful.

Various natural treatments can also help promote hair growth without causing unwanted side effects.

In today’s post, we’re going to introduce you to  9 ways that will help you keep your hair healthy and beautiful.

1. More proteins for better hair growth


Did you know that hair is made up of protein? It is therefore advisable  to increase the consumption of protein and consume the recommended amount of this building material every day.

This can stimulate the production of red blood cells, which are very important for transporting oxygen and other nutrients to the hair follicles.

Different sources of protein are:

  • Red meat
  • Turkey and chicken
  • Soy and soy products
  • low-fat milk
  • blue fish
  • Dried fruits
  • lenses
  • Eggs

2. Brush the hair several times a day

Brushing your hair several times a day can help  increase blood flow to the scalp,  which makes it easier for nutrients to be transported to the hair follicles.

Use a soft bristle brush and massage the scalp with it at least twice a day. Don’t forget to do this, especially in the evening!

3. Avoid products with silicone


Hair care products that contain silicone make it look beautiful, but in reality they do not care for the hair, but cause  long-term damage.

This can lead to clogging of the hair follicles, which in turn makes it difficult to grow. The natural oils in hair are also negatively affected by silicones.

4. Don’t wash your hair every day

While some people wash their hair daily because it regreases it quickly, this is not recommended as the hair needs time to recover from the chemicals used.

Experts in this field recommend washing your hair no more than two to three times a week in order not to affect the natural pH of the scalp.

5. Cut the tips

To cut

Although the relationship between cutting the tips and hair growth is unclear, it is a good idea to trim the tips regularly for strong, healthy head of hair.

Split ends or dry tips have a negative effect on the appearance. However, if the tips are trimmed regularly,  it will also facilitate oxygen delivery and stimulate hair growth.

6. Olive oil

A massage of the scalp with olive oil provides it with essential nutrients that ensure beautiful hair.


  • Simply warm up some oil (not too hot, so that it is still bearable) and then distribute it all over the hair with a gentle massage.

7. Linseed oil


This precious oil is extracted from flaxseed and contains valuable essential fatty acids that not only improve heart health, but also deeply nourish the hair.

You can use linseed oil in a variety of dishes, and you can apply it directly to the hair to encourage growth and repair environmental hair damage.

8. Apple cider vinegar

The acids contained in apple cider vinegar help, when applied directly,  to keep the hair clean and to prevent dandruff.

You can dilute apple cider vinegar with water to give your hair new shine.


  • Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water, then apply this mixture to your hair after washing your hair.

9. Onion water


The sulfur compounds of the onion and other active ingredients it contains make this tuber a perfect remedy for strong, healthy hair.

Even if the smell is not very pleasant, many use this home remedy  to encourage natural growth and add shine to the hair.


  • Boil several onions in a saucepan with plenty of water and then sift the water.
  • The hair is then rinsed with this water. After that, you can use your regular shampoo to wash your hair.

With all of these tips and home remedies, you can take care of and strengthen your hair. Remember, however, that the results won’t be immediately apparent and  that you need to be constant to get the results you want.

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