Acupuncture: The Feng Fu Point For Headache

Many people swear by acupuncture for various ailments. The Feng Fu point is used in acupuncture to relieve headaches.

Acupuncture: the Feng Fu point for headache

Feng Fu ” sounds like “hocus pocus” but is an extremely effective point that can help you relieve or eliminate headaches.

Even if you don’t believe in Far Eastern health teachings, you should read on, try it out – and ultimately let yourself be surprised and convinced!



The starting point is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its 5000 year old knowledge of acupuncture points.

According to this philosophy, people have around 360 acupuncture points, which are supposed to be connected to one another by a network of meridians, so-called “energy channels”.

In acupuncture, the acupuncture points are stimulated with fine needles, but it is also possible to massage the points yourself with a blunt object or your fingers. There is even a form of massage that specializes in this: the acupuncture meridian massage.

In this massage, no needles are used, but blunt metal rods with which the acupuncture points and meridians are processed. Therefore, this massage is also suitable for young children and people who are afraid of needles.

Acupuncture with thin needles

Where does acupuncture help?

In the philosophy of TCM and acupuncture, stimulation of the right points and meridians helps against almost all complaints, but especially against:

  • Discomfort in the spine and joints
  • Muscle tension
  • Gastrointestinal tract complaints
  • Women suffering
  • migraine
  • Scar treatment after surgery.
  • Prevention of pregnancy problems

With the blunt metal stick, the acupuncture points and meridians are gently but effectively stimulated during the acupuncture meridian massage.

This is to ensure that the energy, chi, can flow freely again along the meridians and that all body regions can be optimally supplied with energy again.

You cannot learn a full body massage today, but we will explain which point you have to massage to relieve your headache:

The Feng Fu point

The feng fu point, which is to be massaged against headaches, is exactly between the neck and the head. If you feel the region with your fingers, you will feel a depression.

The Feng Fu point is located exactly in the middle of this depression. If you are out and about and have a headache, massage this point with light but constant pressure.

Repeat from time to time. Your headache should get better.

Ice cubes

The trick with the ice

The method with the ice cube helps more effectively. You will need two ice cubes and a towel or scarf for this.

It is best to lie on your stomach and cushion your upper body so that your head is relaxed and face down. Then put one of the two ice cubes on the point. Cover it with a towel so that the ice-cold meltwater doesn’t run down your neck.

If you like, fix the whole thing with a scarf. Let the ice cube act on the Feng Fu point for 20 minutes. Once the first ice cube has melted, replace it with the second ice cube.

You will notice how the treatment has relieved your headache after 20 minutes. Try it!

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