After The Death Of Their Parents, Nothing Is As It Used To Be

Although it is the natural course of things, nobody is prepared for the death of their parents. Therefore, one should spend enough time facing this new situation without bitterness.

After the death of the parents, nothing is as it used to be

It is the natural course of things for children to outlive their parents. But just because it corresponds to nature, you can not simply accept a loss as sensitive as the death of your parents who did everything for you.

With family ties of the meaningful, enriching, and heartwarming kinds, every absence, every separation is a source of suffering that no one has taught you to deal with.

The death of the parents leaves an empty void that cannot be filled. Even so, over time, you learn to live with this emptiness and pain by remembering the good advice, the moments captured in photos and the legacy held in your heart.

Read more about how to deal with a loss and the strategies that can help you get through lows.

One is not prepared for the death of one’s parents

The pain is proportional to the strength of the relationship you had with your father or mother. It doesn’t matter if you are already independent and have your own family.

The emotional and experiential legacy of a loved one knows neither time nor distance nor age.

Inside you are and remain that person who needs advice, gratefully accepts a parental hug, and feels the need for a confident look from the mother that only she can give you.

Man is a social being that depends on affection. The connection with the parents is so intimate that if they are lost, much is broken inside.

Therefore, consider the following aspects:


Every person deals with grief differently

Grief is the personal process through which one accepts the loss of a loved one. This process should have the following five phases:

  • negation
  • Anger
  • negotiation
  • Expression of emotional pain
  • acceptance

Although these phases are most common and usually take three months to complete, it is important to understand that each person handles them differently.

That is, if a brother or other relative appears to be indifferent or grossly exaggerated, one should not be hurt. The pain is expressed in a wide variety of ways and not everyone can deal with it equally well .

The point is that you find your own form of expression that eases you the most. Talk to people who are very close to you, be alone, look at photos, and cry when you feel like it.

The pain is getting less every day and although it seems impossible to you, in the end you will continue on your way.


Loss without saying goodbye, how should you deal with it?

Parents can die for a variety of reasons: a long illness, an accident, an unexpected heart attack …

  • What usually bothers you the most is not being able to say goodbye to your loved one and tell them how much you love them.
  • Sometimes people lose loved ones after an argument, misunderstanding, or careless remark. Like it or not, it inflicts great suffering that is difficult to cope with.
  • You can’t turn back time to fix things. It is all the more important to focus thoughts and emotions on the following: a father and a mother know very well how much they love their child. No hard feelings remain.

Temporary discrepancies do not matter. The bond is so strong, noble and honest that one should be able to say a calm and sure goodbye because they will stay with you forever and know how much they have been loved .

When you smile again, you’re honoring the memory of your parents

The death of the parents can never be completely overcome because it affects your origin. Nevertheless, over time you learn to live with it and allow yourself to be happy anew; at least as long as the following aspects are taken into account:

  • Parents don’t want their children to be sad. Even if it is difficult, it is necessary to smile for her again and be happy in the present in honor of her memory.
  • Do not hesitate to recall beautiful events or enriching moments from the past that give you strength and confidence.
  • The great moments that you were able to share with your father or mother are like soul gifts that you should pass on to your children. They are a legacy of love and affection, which will take you further as a person and also connect you to an origin that you should not lose.

    At some point everyone has to cope with a farewell that they are not prepared for. However, today’s love becomes tomorrow’s power. Learn to live the moment and fully enjoy the person you love.

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