As Of Today, Nothing Bitters You Anymore!

Many people are bitter because they let themselves be bitter. You have it in your own hand …

As of today, nothing bittens you anymore!

You surely know that: you are bitter because something that someone said or did to you, attacked you, hurt your feelings, so that you reacted bitterly.

But it is possible to learn not to let such attacks on the personal comfort zone of the state of mind get to you in the first place!

How do you get bitter from others?

If you feel bitter, it is mostly because someone has offended you. You feel hurt or treated unfairly and feel a helpless anger rising inside you because it seems like there is nothing you can do about it.

You harbor feelings of revenge towards the people who have forbidden you, you become hostile, you may cry or become aggressive.

Your thoughts revolve and revolve around what happened and the person who got you into this situation. And unfortunately it doesn’t get any better, it just gets worse and you slide deeper and deeper into bitterness.

If you fail to break this cycle of bitterness, anger, thoughts of revenge and resentment, this can have far-reaching consequences for you and your health :

  • sleep disorders
  • stomach pain
  • Digestive problems
  • eating disorder
  • Difficulty concentrating, up to and including one
  • Depression.

In medical terms, the chronic interplay of these reactions is also referred to as a post-traumatic bitterness disorder.

The insidious: the embittered one is able to free himself from the cycle, but he usually inflicts more and more damage on himself by letting the carousel of thoughts turn on and on.

But how do you get out of this carousel again?


Overcome bitterness

It would be very easy, of course, not to let yourself be bitter anymore, but that is only the second step. First of all, you have to manage to break free from the bitterness.

You can do this if you follow the steps below:

  • It is your responsibility! Realize that you are responsible for how much what led to the bitterness attacks you personally. You yourself are responsible for how close you let some things get to you. The logical consequence: only you can free yourself from the bitterness again!
  • Being bitter doesn’t change the facts! Be honest and realize that you are bitter and have grudges around you. Don’t change what happened. Happened happened and now it’s up to you what you make of it!
  • Are there any benefits to your bitterness? Go into yourself and consider: What advantage does it have for me if I continue to walk around bitterly and spoil the mood for myself and others? If you are honest you will find: none!
  • Be strong and forgive! At first just the word “forgiveness” will only arouse more anger in you, but over time you will have to admit to yourself that this is exactly the key to closing the emotions forever and ending the chapter of bitterness.

This is how you prevent bitterness

After all, bitterness is nothing more than hurt self-esteem. And, along with it, a low level of self-confidence, low level of self-confidence.

This is also the reason why people who value and trust themselves very seldom are bitter, or rather: very rarely allow themselves to be bitter.

Because of their great self-esteem, such people wear a kind of protective cloak around them, from which injuries that could exasperate simply ricochet off. As a result, attacks are perceived, but no longer so easily perceived as personal insult and they do not feel helpless.

People who do not come out bitterly out of such situations also have the ability to forgive. Forgiving people relieves a heavy burden and we are only doing ourselves a favor.

Because if you forgive inwardly, you are doing yourself good, preventing bitterness and preventing resentment before it arises.

Do like Mahatma Gandhi and prove that you are a strong person and not a bitter one by forgiving.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The weak can never forgive. Being able to forgive someone is the quality of strong people. ”And whoever is strong lets injuries and insults ricochet off them so that they cannot even become bitter.

One requires the other, so work on yourself to be a strong, not bitter person!

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