Baked Fish: It’s That Easy

Baked fish is one of the best ways you can enjoy all of the health benefits of this food. It is also very easy to prepare. Try our delicious recipe right now!

Baked fish: it's that easy

If you bake fish in its own juice, you are preparing a light and at the same time very healthy menu. Pamper your family or friends with it! In addition, the preparation is very simple and takes very little time.

Because the recipe is so simple, you should choose the ingredients carefully. Make sure that the fish quality is very good. It is also very important that you choose the right cooking time. In today’s article we give you some information on the right choice of ingredients and also a delicious and quickly prepared recipe for baked fish .

How do you recognize good and fresh fish?

For this recipe to succeed, it is very important that you buy fresh fish that is of the highest quality.

  • If you buy a whole fish, you can tell how fresh it is by looking it in the eyes. Is the color of the eyes clear and bright, can you see the iris ? Then you can be sure that you have a fresh fish in front of you.
  • In addition, dark eyes or noticeable black veins in the eyes are a clear sign that the fish has been with the fishmonger or in the store for some time. The same applies if you notice that the fish’s skin is shiny. Even if the scales come off very easily and the gills are greyish, you shouldn’t buy this fish anymore.
  • If you decide to buy prepared fillets, you should make sure that the meat is firm. In addition, only a very slight fish odor should be detectable. If the fillet is presented with the skin on, make sure the skin is still firmly attached to the fish meat. If the fish is older, the skin will easily peel off from the meat.

Types of fish and their preparation

Fish species

You will find a wide range of different types of fish in the market. In order for your baked fish to turn out optimally, you should know the characteristics of the individual species. This will help you make the right choice. In addition, with the right preparation you will be able to receive all the nutrients it contains.

White fish

White fish got its name because of its white meat. These fish are very light and low in fat. For this reason, you should be very careful with the preparation, because the low fat content means that they dry out quickly.

Some of the most popular species in this category are hake, sole, grouper and cod.

  • If you wrap white fish in aluminum foil and bake it in the oven at medium temperature, it will turn out wonderfully.
  • You can also combine these fish well with sauces. Hake in green sauce, for example, is a typical Spanish dish.

Blue fish

Another type of fish are the so-called blue fish, they have an overall higher fat content. They include tuna and salmon, for example .

  • With a little salt and a few herbs, you can make a juicy baked fish in no time.

Oily fish

The third category of fish are the so-called oily fish. The fat percentage in your muscle tissue is at least 10%. Therefore, they are very versatile and you can prepare them in practically any way. Fatty fish include trout, anchovies, sea bass and catfish.

A simple recipe for baked fish

Fish - baked

You can make this recipe with any type of white or semi-fat fish. We decided to prepare it with hake, but of course you can also choose grouper or any other fish to suit your taste.


  • 1 lemon
  • a tomato (40 g)
  • 1 chopped onion (40 g)
  • 200 g hake fillet (or fish fillet of your choice)
  • Salt, pepper and olive oil (to taste)
  • 10 g coriander, parsley or other dried herbs like thyme and rosemary


  • First you season the fish fillet with salt, pepper and the lemon juice. Now put the fish aside.
  • Then you chop the onion and the coriander.
  • Now you cut the tomato into very fine cubes.
  • Heating the oven to 180 ° C before.
  • Then you cut some pieces of aluminum foil in which you can wrap the fillets one by one.
  • Now you coat each piece of foil with a little olive oil. Then you cover the foil with a little onions, tomatoes, coriander and pepper.
  • Now you put the fish fillet on top and cover it with another layer of onions, coriander and tomatoes. Season everything with a little salt and pepper and drizzle with a little olive oil.
  • Now wrap the foil well around the fish. Make sure that nothing can leak, so you should especially close the corners well. This is what you do with all the fillets.
  • Now you can put the fish fillets wrapped in foil on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake the fish in the preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes.

    You can serve this very tasty baked fish with rice or potatoes. In no time at all, you can prepare a light and very healthy dinner for your family or friends.

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