Black Dots On The Tongue: Do I Have To Worry?

Even if black spots on the tongue are mostly harmless, they often seem worrying. However, both tobacco consumption and poor oral hygiene can be triggers.

Black dots on the tongue: do I have to worry?

Even if black spots on the tongue are mostly harmless, they often seem worrying. However, both tobacco consumption and poor oral hygiene can be triggers.

In fact, black spots on the tongue are more common than you might think. Contrary to popular belief, they are not necessarily a sign of cancer and can be traced back to various causes.

Their appearance and exactly where they occur vary in each person. So they can be on the tip of the tongue and appear furry. They can also be found in other parts of the tongue, singly or in groups. As a rule, they are only temporarily present, the duration depending on their cause.

In this article we will explain in more detail what are the main reasons for the formation of black spots and how to get rid of them.

What are the causes of black spots on the tongue?

In the normal state, the tongue is characterized by its reddish color and is covered by small bumps, the so-called papillae. In some situations, these may discolor and swell, so that they appear as the black points mentioned.

black dots on the tongue?

The black points are often related to inadequate oral hygiene. While they can be an indication of oral cancer in principle, the problem is usually due to other causes. These include the following in particular.

Black hair tongue

This is an uncomplicated and temporary disease of the tongue. This takes on a dark and furry appearance. The black hair tongue occurs when dead skin cells cannot be removed in the normal way. Therefore, they accumulate and cause the papillae to enlarge.

The papillae store more bacteria, leftover food, tobacco residues and more. All of these substances cause the tongue to become “blotchy”. Various processes are responsible for this:

  • taking antibiotics or irritating mouthwash
  • poor oral hygiene
  • excessive consumption of coffee or black tea
  • Alcohol and tobacco use

While this condition may seem alarming at first, it usually does not cause serious health consequences or pain. Most of the time, the problem can be resolved with proper oral hygiene.

Black spots from hyperpigmentation

This benign disorder can also cause black spots. It is relatively common among people of African and Asian descent. Furthermore, it is mainly found in people between the ages of 20 and 30, although hyperpigmentation can also be found in children. Usually the side surfaces and the tip of the tongue are affected.

The exact reason is not known. However, scientists assume genetic factors. Numerous studies therefore attempt to prove a hereditary cause of the disease.

Black spots from fungal infection

Fungal infections usually occur in people with poor oral hygiene. However, taking some antibiotics can also cause black spots. This is because antibiotics change the bacterial makeup of the tongue – including what it is supposed to protect.

black spots on the tongue

Wounds and injuries

This option is often not considered. However, the tongue can also suffer from bruises. Any punch or bite that doesn’t tear the tissue can result in small bruises. These also show up in the form of black dots on the tongue.


As mentioned earlier, antibiotics can weaken the tongue’s bacterial flora. Because of this, the latter becomes more prone to fungal infections.

On the other hand, there are other drugs that can cause the black spots. The mechanism of such a side effect is complex. However, this is only a temporary situation: when the medication is stopped, the tongue returns to its original appearance.

How do I get rid of black spots on my tongue?

After reading this article, you will know that black spots on the tongue are caused by various things. In the vast majority, however, bad habits are responsible for this. Poor oral hygiene and tobacco can both have a major impact on the appearance of the tongue.

It is therefore important to maintain proper hygiene. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. You should also use dental floss and compatible mouthwash.

At the same time, it is important to get used to unhealthy habits, especially smoking. Tobacco can not only create the black spots, it can also cause oral cancer.

If you notice any change in your tongue, it is advisable to see your doctor. He or she can do appropriate tests to make a diagnosis and rule out possible cancer-related causes.

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