Body Language: 7 Keys To More Self-confidence And Persuasiveness

Body language can not only provide information about your attitude, it can also have a positive effect on your feelings and promote your self-confidence. 

Body language: 7 keys to more self-confidence and persuasiveness

Our  body language  is like a silent orchestra that we are not always aware of, but that has a direct effect on our surroundings.

Anyone who  knows body language  and understands its secrets can, for example, improve the first impression, appear more attractive or shine through their powers of persuasion.

The goal is not to practice gestures or strategies like salespeople or politicians. Today’s article is about developing the ability to become more self-confident, so as not to lose control in conversations or interviews, or also to appear more attractive.

Read on to learn 7 keys to help you improve your body language. This can certainly be very beneficial for you.

1. Body language and look

Body language and gaze with a rainbow in mind

The brain reveals its intentions through the gaze. The eyes are the first channel and one of the most important tools in body language. But how can you get the most benefit from it?

  • You should never look down in a conversation.
  • Look your interlocutor straight in the eyes when you are talking to them.
  • Do not forget that your feelings are reflected in the eyes and that you can convey calm, determination and security with them.

2. Straight back and personal space

While talking to someone, be careful about your posture. A straight back, relaxed shoulders, and a straight neck that doesn’t flex to one side are very important.

  • The attitude is the mirror of your attitude. If you want to improve your self-confidence and convince others of your words,  you shouldn’t go to extremes. This means that you shouldn’t adopt a military stance or hang around limply.
  • Naturalness and security is an excellent combination, which is why it is also essential to maintain personal freedom.
  • In a conversation, the distance to the person you are speaking to should be such that you do not “turn on them” and put them under pressure. However, the distance should not be too great to indicate closeness. This can lead to a natural dialogue in which both interlocutors look honestly in the eye.

    3. The hands should always be visible

    Body language: the hands should always be visible

    You should never hide your hands in a job interview, at a special dinner, or in a serious conversation. Take them out of your jacket or trouser pockets, put them on the table, and don’t make the mistake of crossing your arms.

    Your hands are the baton that expresses  your feelings. Move them naturally, free them from any constraint!

    4. Silence and calm are sometimes a good strategy

    Body language is like an orchestra, like a group of musicians interpreting a melody together in public. We take up this metaphor again.

    • It is well known that music without a break or silence would not have the same effect. In order to have a direct influence on someone, quiet moments are sometimes very important, even in a conversation.
    • If the person you are speaking to expresses an opinion that you do not share, you can use silence or a smile instead of criticizing them immediately. Just relax!

    Sometimes a smile is the expression of wisdom. Use it!

    5. Pick up something during the conversation

    In order to influence someone directly or to make a good impression,  it is always useful to pick up a ballpoint pen, fountain pen or glasses. 

    • These objects appear “intellectual” and make a safe image in front of the audience.
    • You can use it to calm your nervousness at the same time.

      6. Nod your head

      Body language in a relationship between a man and a woman

      Nodding your head every now and then is an excellent strategy. This allows you to indicate to the other person that you are listening to them, and you can use this body language to show openness and interest.

      That does not mean that you agree with the other person in everything, but you can build trust and a positive atmosphere for discussion, make agreements more easily and leave a safe, respectful and intelligent impression.

      7. Less is more: don’t exaggerate with your body language!

      You don’t have to be an actor to convince someone. Exaggerated gestures are out of place and you shouldn’t shower your conversation partner with a torrent of words. Let the others have their say too!

      Body language training is the art of being authentic and natural,  but still maintaining control and exerting a positive influence without appearing theatrical. 

      That is not easy. For this you need a good sense of self-worth, self-confidence and sometimes filler words or gestures to calm your nerves and show security.

      Body language in conversation with work colleagues

      We all like to feel comfortable and secure in our daily relationships, and body language can be very helpful in this. Follow these simple recommendations!

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