Can Coronaviruses Be Transmitted Through Food?

The new coronavirus is worrying us all. In this context, many wonder whether it is possible to contract this virus through food. Find out more about this topic today. 

Can coronaviruses be transmitted through food?

We know that  coronavirus  infection occurs via droplet transmission. But is there also a risk of being infected through infected food? Do certain precautionary measures have to be taken? Learn more about this topic in our article today.

Preventing infection is largely in our hands, and this is essential  so that doctors and hospital staff can take care of those who are already ill. In this sense, measures such as regular and thorough hand washing, observing the safety protocol and staying at home are of the greatest importance.

Institutions such as the Centros para el Control y la PrevenciĆ³n de Enfermedades (Centros para el Control y la PrevenciĆ³n de Enfermedades) suggest that infection could occur if you put an infected object and then place your hand over your mouth, nose or eyes touched. But can food be infected with the virus?

Coronaviruses on food: There is no evidence for this

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) informs in a report that there are no studies that confirm the possibility of infection with coronaviruses through food. Up to now there are no known cases of people who were infected in this way.

But more studies are needed to confirm this and provide a clear answer to our question today. However, we do know that the virus is not resistant to heat. For this reason, there should be no risk of contagion when food is fully cooked.

That is why it is important to avoid consuming raw foods, especially when it comes to animal products. It is essential to follow strict measures to prevent infection and thus the spread of the virus. 

Coronaviruses on food: There is no evidence for this
As of now, there is no evidence that coronaviruses can be transmitted through food. Nevertheless, appropriate precautionary measures are very important. 

We still know very little about the new coronavirus (COVID-19)

While scientists believe that the initial transmission of COVID-19 from animals to humans was due to the consumption of raw animal products, we still know very little about the disease. Most of the available scientific articles talk about the epidemiological properties of this coronavirus, but less about treatment options, risk factors and prevention.

Great caution is therefore required. Even if food presumably does not pose a risk of infection,  it is necessary to comply with specific preventive and hygienic measures. By cooking the food and properly defrosting frozen products, you can be sure that no pathogens are present.

The need to prevent contact to curb the spread of the coronavirus

To prevent the further spread of COVID-19, it is fundamental to avoid contact between people and to wash your hands thoroughly with soap, especially after touching surfaces or objects that could be infected. So before you start cooking, make sure your hands are free of pathogens. 

Caution should also be exercised when sneezing and coughing in order to prevent possible infection of other people. Strictly follow the instructions of the health authorities and stay tuned for new clues and insights.

The routes of infection of the coronaviruses are being researched and shortly we will surely have more precise information about how the COVID-19 is spreading and whether this virus is able to survive on food or not. At the moment it is definitely better to take  precaution and only buy well-packaged food that guarantees all hygiene measures. 

Coronavirus on food
Proper hygiene, such as hand washing before and after processing food, is essential to reduce the risk of infection.

Coronavirus and food: what do we need to consider?

The lack of knowledge about the new coronavirus, which is spreading rapidly around the world, is causing social alarm and chaos. But it is very important to remain calm even in this situation and to take the necessary precautionary measures to reduce the  risk of infection and spread as far as possible. Only in this way can people who are already ill receive the necessary health care.

Hygiene when processing food is fundamental, and thorough hand washing is very important. The complete cooking of the food is necessary to be on the safe side,  even if the presence of coronaviruses on food has not yet been confirmed.

But caution and circumspection are particularly important in these difficult times in order to protect people in the risk groups, which mainly include older people who are particularly at risk.

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