Caressing The Soul To Touch The Naked Emotional Being

Caressing the soul can make us feel full and complete, connected to those people whose hugs are deep and build us up inside.

Caress the soul to touch the naked emotional being

Caress the soul in  order to undress emotionally, to free one’s being, to discover one’s inner being and to build a relationship …

We invite you to reflect on this topic with us today.


Discover your emotional being through caressing your soul

Caressing the soul is more than just a hug. It’s about an emotional connection that’s as intense as you allow it to be.

This emotional exposure is not easy and cannot be achieved with everyone, because it takes time, effort and desire to listen, feel, hug and caress someone with the soul.

So it is not surprising that you have to start with yourself: identify your own feelings and emotions, recognize your own being, which makes us who we are.

Listening to yourself, exploring and understanding your emotional backpack – this can only be achieved  if you think about fears, conflicts, insecurities, successes and what you have learned.

Only those who can see and feel their clothes can undress a part of themselves when the opportunity arises.


Completing ourselves through emotions

True seduction does not come through words or skin contact. This requires emotions and feelings in order to speak the language of soul-hugging.

We are emotional beings and think in the language of feelings, this is the only way we can achieve the power of an authentic relationship.

Problems disappear for seconds, something connects with our inner being, fear can be enveloped and  we bind ourselves beyond time and space. In other words, caressing the soul is a healing balm.


Feeling loved: one of the best experiences there is

Knowing that you are loved is one of the best feelings out there. It is wonderful, strengthens and gives energy.

To be aware that someone honestly values ​​you is great,  love is always an impulse that brings us back into balance  that one misses in bad moments.

Like a life jacket or life preserver that holds us to the surface and allows us to breathe,  our relationships can undoubtedly be called psychological oxygen. 

We can find a wonderful definition in the novel “Moon over Manhatten” by Paul Auster. One section of this novel perfectly explains what we feel when love saves us from the abyss where we find ourselves and cannot escape:

At that moment I had ignored it, clearly, but knowing what I know now, it is impossible for me to ignore these days without a wave of nostalgia for my friends coming over me. In a sense, this changes the reality that I have experienced.

I had jumped from the edge of the cliff and just then, just as I was about to hit the ground, something extraordinary happened: I learned that there are people who love me. That someone loves you so much changes everything.

It doesn’t diminish the horror of the fall, but it does give you a new perspective on what that horror means. I had jumped off the edge and now, at that last moment, something held me in the air. That something is what I call love.

It’s the only thing that can stop a person from falling, the only thing powerful enough to break the laws of gravity. “


We can safely say that people to whom we are emotionally attached help us to take control of our lives, to take control of our feelings, thoughts and emotions.

As we have mentioned in these lines, we should be clearly aware that  the undressing of the soul can only be achieved through inner knowledge,  only when we liberate ourselves.

Therefore it is fundamental to caress our being with the soul in order to enable socio-emotional growth and flow.

In this way we can put aside fears and enjoy the warmth of the home that we are able to create through our caresses.

This profound experience undoubtedly deserves fine words: the caress of the soul.

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