Cutting Cheese: This Is How You Do It Right!

Different types of cheese are cut differently depending on their shape and water content. Today we have a few tips for you so that you can present your next cheese platter professionally. 

Cutting Cheese: Here's How To Do It Right!

There are innumerable types of cheese and lots of tips and tricks on how to cut it properly. Each variety, shape, water content and consistency requires different techniques. Today we are going to show you how to  cut cheese  to present it professionally.

Some varieties are not easy because of their texture,  as they can break when cut, stick to the knife, or lose their shape. For this reason, it is also important to use the right tools. Find out more about it afterwards!

Cutting cheese: the best tips

If you  want to cut cheese  , you should consider a few aspects in order to present a perfect cheese platter. Our tips today will help you with that. Take care!

Cutting cheese: round, small and flat types 

Cutting cheese: round, small and flat types 
When cutting round cheese, it is best to dip the knife in hot water beforehand!

Round cheeses that are soft (such as camembert) are cut into triangular portions, like a piece of cake. The cut starts in the middle and then leads outwards. You should use a very well-sharpened knife.

  • To prevent the cheese from sticking to the knife, you can first immerse it in hot water. However, you will need to dry it before using it.

Cutting cheese: large, round cheese tarts like brie 

Large, round cheese cakes (soft cheeses such as Brie) are best cut into diagonal pieces. Then you can cut these pieces of cheese in half. You can use a soft cheese knife with a specially etched blade for this. There are also special knives with perforated blades for dividing this type of cheese.

  • First, submerge the knife in hot water and then dry it off. We also recommend this trick: You can grease the knife with a little oil before cutting the cheese so that the cheese does not stick to it.

Cut cylindrical cheese

Varieties such as roll-shaped goat’s cheese or other cylindrical cheeses are particularly popular in salads and on toast because they taste great In order to cut this type of cheese properly and present it nicely, it is advisable not to cut very thin slices.

  • You need a very sharp and damp knife for this. Before each cut, you should moisten the knife again to achieve a clean cut. 

Cutting cheese: hard cheese 

Cutting cheese: hard cheese 
You can cut hard cheese into small triangles, preferably as soon as it has reached ambient temperature.

Hard cheese has a very long ripening time and a low water content, which is  why it is characterized by a particularly intense taste. The longer the cheese matures, the firmer its consistency. It is best to cut this cheese as soon as it has reached ambient temperature. You can use a cheese cleaver or, if you want very fine slices, a cheese slicer.

  • First cut the cheese in half. You can use a cheese wire for this, for example. Then you cut off a larger triangle, which you can then cut into smaller triangles (about half a cm wide). 

Cut the parmesan

Parmesan is often grated on pasta or used for lasagna and other typical Italian dishes. It is a hard cheese that has matured for a long time and is  usually grated with a cheese slicer.

  • Another option is to cut parmesan into small, irregular cubes.

Cut blue cheese

Blue cheeses such as Roquefort or Bavaria blu are more moist and acidic than other cheeses. Cutting is also not that easy,  as these varieties are irregular and break quickly. The best way to get a clean cut is to use a cheese bow.

  • If it is a triangular serving of blue cheese, we recommend that you cut it in a fan shape and present it. 

You can use this trick to cut any cheese

Finally, we have another useful trick that you can use with any type of cheese. You don’t need a knife for this! Because in this case we use dental floss (without flavor!). 

  • Separate a piece of dental floss that is longer than the cheese.
  • Use the floss like a wire to divide the cheese.
  • So you can prepare as many servings as you want!

The next time you prepare a delicious platter of different types of cheese, you now know how best to cut it. The cheese tastes particularly good in combination with fruit such as grapes, strawberries or exotic fruits. 

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