Dalai Lama: The Ten Energy Thieves

Energy is crucial to be successful and to overcome all the hurdles that arise on the way every day. 

Dalai Lama: the ten energy thieves

We all have enough energy, but we need to learn to use it in a positive way and not to waste it. The Dalai Lama teaches us ten energy thieves.

This energy enables us to work with motivation, to cope positively with everyday situations and to make the best possible use of all opportunities that arise. Only we ourselves can control and dispose of this energy.

But various external and internal influences can change the energy level and cause our motivation, our state of mind and our productivity to decrease.

Energy is crucial to be successful and to overcome all the hurdles that present themselves on the way every day.

We can all renew and use our energy every day to bring out our good qualities, our talents and anything that enables us to stand out as people.

Everyone has energy for personal and professional development. The great spiritual leader Dalai Lama has defined 10 “energy thieves” that everyone should know in order to better control and use their own energy without disturbances that could prevent this.

Dalai Lama: Distance yourself from negative people

  • “Avoid people who just want to share complaints, problems, disastrous stories, fear and prejudice with you. If someone is looking for a bucket to dispose of their trash, be careful that this is not your mind. ”

We are all able to judge which people contribute positive things in our life  and which just want to prevent us from developing.

Dalai Lama: Pay your bills on time

There is nothing better than the peace of mind to know that we don’t owe anyone anything, and neither does anyone owe us anything.

  • “Pay your bills on time. At the same time, ask for your money back from those who owe you or let go of those you know is impossible.

Dealing responsibly with debts gives us a clear conscience from others and from ourselves. It is better to do everything possible to free ourselves from debts and not have to hide out of shame for not having paid.

Keep your promises

  • “If you haven’t fulfilled these, ask yourself why you refuse. You always have the right to change your mind, apologize, renegotiate, or offer compensation or an alternative, but this should not become a habit. The easiest way to avoid unsustainable promises is to say NO right from the start if you don’t like something. “

    Even the smallest of promises, they can be of great value to the other person. Fulfilling promises makes us better people, both personally and professionally.

    Dalai Lama: Assign tasks that you do not want to do

    • “Avoid as much as possible and transfer those work to others that you would rather not do and use your time for things that give you pleasure:”

    The point is not to evade responsibilities, but be aware that sometimes it is better to leave the work to someone who can do it better or when you feel unable to do it.

    This also reminds us of those things that are really important in our lives.

    Rest and act

    • “Allow yourself to relax when you need it and allow yourself to act when you have the opportunity.”

    Both nature and our life are characterized by a different rhythm every day; each of us has to know how to deal with it.

    It is often a mistake not to pause when it is necessary or not to act when the opportunity presents itself. After that, you can regret it.

    Clean up and organize

    • “Tidy up, throw away and get organized. Nothing takes as much energy as a messy room full of things from the past that you no longer need. “

    Both tangible and spiritual: it is very important to eliminate and leave behind those things that are of the past  and only take with us those that allow us to organize ourselves to live well in the present and fulfill our future dreams.

    Take care of your health

    • “Your health comes first, if your body is not working there is not much you can do. Take the breaks you need. “

    The best work, lots of money and possessions are of no use if our health leaves a lot to be desired and we do not take care of our bodies.

    In order to enjoy life with energy, it is necessary to devote time to our body,  to purify it, to care for it, to meditate.

    Eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, visiting the doctor and everything else that is necessary to stay healthy should not be forgotten either.

    Coping with difficult situations

    • “Face the negative situations you endure. It doesn’t matter whether it is to help a family member or a friend. Or to tolerate negative behavior from the partner or a group. Take the necessary measures! “

    Facing the various situations in life is the best way to face them before they get worse. It is important to analyze things and take your time.

    Delaying or ignoring will only add to the stress and make it difficult to find a solution to the problem.

    Dalai Lama: Accept

    • “Accept. This is not resignation, but nothing consumes as much energy as defending and fighting against a situation that cannot be changed. “

    Even if many think that nothing is impossible and that hope is the last thing to lose, life sometimes presents us with situations in which we have to accept that they cannot be changed. Accepting doesn’t mean stop fighting.

    If we accept that we cannot change something, we also have the opportunity to change plans and seek other opportunities.

    Forgive me

    • “Forgive and let go of those situations that cause you pain. You can always choose to leave the pain to memory. “

    One of the greatest sources of energy is love and connection with God in order to learn to forgive. Life often presents us with situations that fill us with anger, pain, feelings of revenge and fear. These are difficult to overcome.

    However, if we make the decision not to feed these feelings and begin to forgive, everything in life will be easier.

    Over time, we become aware that we have made the right decision. Hatred, revenge and anger are feelings that bring no good and only lead to bad decisions.

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