Desmodium Adscendens To Protect The Liver

Desmodium has the ability to regulate the enzyme level in the liver and to relax the smooth muscle fibers. That is why this plant helps with liver regeneration.

Desmodium adscendens to protect the liver

The name is a bit complicated, but the effect is extraordinary: the Desmodium adscendens plant grows in equatorial Africa, in a humid climate under palm trees.

In this post you will learn more about the liver-protecting and regenerating properties of this plant.

Liver functions

Before we go into more detail about this extraordinary medicinal plant, we would like to briefly summarize the most important liver functions. The liver works tirelessly for good health.

It regulates and cleanses the organism of harmful substances, it is responsible for the breakdown of metabolic and non-metabolic substances. It helps with the absorption and utilization of food components and synthesizes proteins.

The liver should therefore also be protected and cared for in accordance with its important tasks. It is the largest and most complex organ in the body, contributing to 500 functions and doing excellent teamwork with the gallbladder.

It enables metabolic functions, the absorption of vitamins and regulates the immune and hormonal system.

liver functions

It is also good to know that the liver has the ability to regenerate itself if it is given the right “tool”.

If a part has to be removed due to illness or an accident, this part grows back thanks to the stem cells. However, in order for the liver to regenerate, it is necessary that at least 25% be healthy.

It is a very sensitive organ that suffers faster than others. If you consume too much alcohol or too much fat, various metabolic disorders can occur, as a result of which the liver becomes ill and can no longer perform as it is used to.

Desmodium adscendens: the wonderful remedy for the liver

There are various natural medicinal plants that can improve liver functions – such as milk thistle, dandelion, black radish or wild artichoke. But the  only plant that can almost “work miracles” is Desmodium adscendens.


This creeper grows in Africa, it has light green leaves and winds up on palm trees. The flowers are light purple, the fruits green and up to 25 cm long. This medicinal plant has been used for centuries in Senegal, Ghana, the Ivory Coast and the Congo.

In Ghana, for example, Desmodium Adscendens is used to treat asthma, dysentery, constipation and abdominal colic. This medicinal plant was discovered for medicine in 1960 by two French doctors who were socially active in this area.

In the treatment of hepatitis patients, excellent results have been achieved in a few weeks.

The local healers knew a lot about this plant. The first results from laboratory analyzes showed that Desmodium adscendens contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and anthocyanins – all very health-promoting active ingredients.

Various studies were later carried out in the UK, Canada and France. These showed that this medicinal plant not only helps excellently with liver disorders but is also very suitable for invasive treatments and chemotherapy as well as for allergy sufferers.

It has the ability to normalize the enzyme level in the liver and relax the smooth muscle fibers. The Desmodium plant is also characterized by its airway-dilating and antihistaminic effects.

coffee liver

It is an excellent natural remedy for various liver diseases – regardless of whether they are caused by viruses, chemicals or poisoning (alcohol or drugs).

But that’s not all. This African plant also strengthens the immune system and is therefore highly recommended for HIV patients.

Desmodium adscendens is very effective against hepatitis  (symptoms are yellow skin, headache, tiredness, loss of appetite).

This disease can be cured with it in a few days. The traditional use of this herb for epilepsy has also caught the attention of scientists.

How is Desmodium adscendens taken?

The plant is dried in various health food stores, available as an extract, mother tincture or in capsule form. To increase the liver-regenerating effect, it is recommended, for example, in combination with other medicinal plants such as rosemary or milk thistle.

Even if no poisoning caused by Desmodium adscendens is known, we have to point out the laxative effect. In the case of liver disorders, the daily consumption of 6-10 g of the plant as an infusion in one liter of water is recommended. 

This treatment should then be carried out for 2 to 4 weeks in acute phases and 6 to 8 weeks for chronic diseases.

After medical treatment with liver-damaging medication (such as for nail fungus), it is advisable to take a cup of Desmodium adscendens daily during and after the treatment. In this case, 6 g per liter of water is recommended.

If you want to use this wonderful plant to revitalize and degrease the liver – as is required, for example, with a diagnosed fatty liver – you need a daily amount of 10 g over a period of 3 months.

People with allergies (asthma) usually take 5 g daily in the form of a tea.

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