Detoxify Your Body With Our Detox Plan

With a detox plan it is very important to drink water with lemon on an empty stomach as well as up to two liters of water daily, preferably between meals to provide the body with sufficient fluids and to support the elimination of toxins.

Detox your body with our detox plan

Spring is exactly the right time to treat your body to a detox plan. After that, you will feel lighter, fitter, and healthier.

In this article, we’ll show you how you can do a body cleanse in 15 days that will allow you to regain your normal weight without much effort.

You will feel full of energy and optimistic afterwards and will be able to cope with the challenges of everyday life more easily.

What is a Detox Plan?

Detox plan

We hear more and more about detox plans, body detoxification, body cleansing, etc. The aim is to remove pollutants that  accumulate in our organism due to the consumption of harmful food. These include additives, sugar, trans fats and refined flour.

We also poison our bodies when we drink water that contains heavy metals through environmental pollution or stress and negative emotions.

That is why it is important to cleanse our organism regularly.

The best time for a detox plan is after the lavish meals on the holidays, when the seasons change (spring and autumn), when you want to get pregnant or when you want to take special care of yourself.

What will you achieve with it?

Various goals can be achieved by performing a cleaning:

  • Bring your body weight back into the normal range.
  • Combat fluid retention and cellulite.
  • Improve the complexion.
  • Regulate the digestive system and get problems like constipation, bloating, heartburn etc. under control.
  • Increase energy and zest for life. 
  • Reduce inflammation, pain and chronic discomfort.
  • Reduce accumulation of mucus.
  • Sleep better at night and prevent insomnia.
  • Improve our mood and so improve conditions such as anxiety, sadness, nervousness, irritability .

What do you need to know?

Detoxify the body with drinks according to the detox plan

It is important to know that when performing a detox plan, the body increases its cleansing abilities, which is why you may experience some discomfort such as headache, eczema, or pimples on the skin or fatigue during the cleansing .

These symptoms will go away over time, and you will feel much better when you stop. You just need to be patient and drink plenty of water outside of meals to make it easier for toxins to be eliminated.

We recommend that you strictly adhere to the detox plan, it’s only 15 days. After that, you can return to a balanced diet and allow yourself an exception every now and then if you need it.

On an empty stomach

You should drink two or three glasses of lukewarm water with the juice of half a lemon every day  on an empty stomach. If you suffer from constipation, you can mix the mix with 50 ml of sea water. This is available in health food stores or in some grocery stores.

Then it’s best to wait half an hour until breakfast.


Breakfast according to the detox plan

For breakfast, always prepare a shake with the following ingredients:

  • 1 apple or 1 pear
  • ½ ripe banana
  • 1 handful of fresh spinach leaves
  • 1 handful of green celery leaves
  • a glass of plant-based milk (made from oats, rice, almonds etc.) (200 ml)
  • 1 handful of sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds
  • 1 spoonful of extra virgin coconut oil (15 g)
  • a pinch of ginger powder

The lunch

For lunch you can choose three products, one from each group:

  • Proteins: lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes, seitan (wheat gluten).
  • Carbohydrates: Whole grains (rice, quinoa, millet, pasta), whole grain bread, boiled potatoes or fried potatoes.
  • Raw vegetables: lettuce, avocado, apple, pear, vegetable juice or gazpacho.

You can serve the dishes with extra virgin olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of sea salt.

The dinner

Detox Plan: Fish for Dinner

The dinner should consist of a vegetable cream soup or boiled vegetables and a serving of proteins. If you want a dessert too, you can bake an apple for yourself or choose a handful of dry fruit instead.

If you are usually very hungry at this hour, we recommend fruit, toasted wholemeal bread with cream cheese or avocado or a glass of plant-based milk with cocoa and honey in the evening.

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