Does The Menopause Make You Fat?

A concern of many women is weight gain during menopause. But do menopause actually make you fat? Can this be avoided? Find out more on this topic in today’s post. 

Does Menopause Make You Fat?

Many women worry that they might gain weight during menopause. But is this always the case? Can Weight Gain Be Prevented? The menopause is characterized by various changes, because this is the end of a woman’s fertile period. This is usually the case from the age of 45, although the associated hormonal changes have different effects.

During menopause, the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone. Menopause or climacteric is the time when the body changes its hormonal balance. The last menstruation is also known as menopause. However, during and after menopause, the body also experiences physical changes that worry some women.

Many women assume  that they will gain weight during menopause. Then learn more about this topic. We also have some precautionary tips. Read on!

The menopause and the hormonal changes that go with it

During the menopause  , the woman’s body undergoes various changes, most of which are hormonal. These could be related to weight gain, but experts mostly attribute them to the general aging process.

Muscle mass decreases over the years, especially if you don’t exercise regularly. This loss of active tissue  causes fewer calories to be burned. As a result, the affected woman gains weight, even if she does not change her eating habits.

the menopause and weight gain
Hormonal changes may be related to menopausal weight gain, but more studies are needed to confirm this.

A study published in the journal “Climateric” suggests that “hormone changes may be related to the increase in adipose tissue in the abdomen”. She also suggests estrogen therapy as a solution to this problem.

But the study  also suggests that more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of these types of weight management therapies. 

Can you prevent physical changes?

The hormonal changes and the loss of muscle mass must be balanced to prevent unwanted weight gain. In order to improve the metabolic rate,  an exercise plan is particularly recommended to prevent the loss of active tissue.

In addition, the scientific literature assures that regular exercise is essential for postmenopausal women to  prevent problems such as osteoporosis. When it comes to nutrition, various measures are also important to provide the body with the necessary nutrients without producing an energetic imbalance.

1. Intermittent fasting

This is an excellent way to cut calories on a daily basis without undue exertion. It is best to  skip breakfast because the hormonal cycle causes the appetite to decrease in the morning. 

Various studies also confirm that intermittent fasting has a positive effect on the prevention of complex diseases and type 2 diabetes.

2. Less carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide energy, but women going through menopause or after typically use less energy unless they are exercising. Therefore, you should reduce your intake of carbohydrates.

At the same time, it is advisable to consume more protein. With this strategy, women can prevent the loss of muscle mass at this stage of their life.

the menopause: diet against weight gain
Women should consume fewer carbohydrates and more protein during and after menopause. The latter help prevent muscle mass loss.

Strict ketogenic diets are often very difficult to follow. In addition, the lack of fiber can harm gut health. However, a low-carb diet can be effective without these negative consequences. All you have to do is choose the right carbohydrates and limit the amount.

Whole grain cereals and self-prepared meals (instead of ready-made products) provide your body with sufficient fiber. Various studies have shown that you can also use it to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Fresh and seasonal foods

During this time of hormonal changes, it is important to get  enough vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Therefore, fresh, seasonal food from the region is recommended.

So it is best to avoid industrially manufactured products and improve your diet with important micronutrients. At the same time, you should avoid unhealthy fats (like trans fats) and products with chemical additives.

If you regularly include fruits and vegetables in your diet,  you will provide your organism with the necessary antioxidants, which can slow down the aging process as they work against free radicals.

Scientific studies show that blueberries and red berries are particularly beneficial!

Does Menopause Make You Fat? Final remark

The changes during menopause are a perfectly normal process that every woman goes through. The change in hormonal balance and the normal aging process can have a negative effect on body weight. But there are efficient ways to maintain a healthy balance. 

Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and regular exercise  is the best solution to preventing unwanted belly fat!

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