Dried Fruits And Nuts: Healthy To A Dream Figure

Dried fruits and nuts provide the body with important nutrients. They also keep you full for a long time and thus help you lose weight.

Dried fruits and nuts: a healthy dream figure

Dried fruits and nuts are great foods that should not be missing in a varied, balanced diet. They contain many important vitamins, oils, proteins and nutrients.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of nuts and dried fruits.

Dried fruits and nuts are delicious

Nuts contain less than 50% water,  but an abundance of vitamins and minerals. These are extremely important in keeping your body healthy.

Dried fruits and nuts contain, among other things:

  • vitamin B
  • Folic acid
  • potassium
  • iron
  • Fiber
  • copper
  • zinc
  • Vitamin E.
  • Calcium
  • magnesium

In this article we will introduce you to different types of nuts and dried fruits.

How do dried fruits and nuts help you lose weight?

Dried fruits and nuts help you lose weight

If you’re looking for a healthy snack to eat between main meals, nuts and dried fruits are good choices. Because they satisfy hunger and prevent you from eating sweets or other unhealthy sweets.

  • With their fiber, nuts and dried fruits prevent constipation and improve your digestion.
  • Their high calcium content is good for your bones. The body needs calcium to keep the bones healthy and to prevent osteoporosis.
  • In addition, nuts and dried fruits make you look younger and fresher because they contain important  antioxidants.  They slow down the aging process and work against wrinkles.

    To get all of these health benefits, you should only eat dried fruits and nuts with no added salt or sugar.

    Salted nuts lead to increased fluid intake and can put strain on your kidneys.

    In the following, we will introduce you to 6 types of nuts and dried fruits that will help you lose weight and provide your body with nutrients.

    1. Walnuts

    Dried fruits and nuts taste good

    While walnuts aren’t low in calories, they can still help you lose weight. They ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety and activate a region of the brain that is responsible for controlling cravings. The perfect snack for in between!

    2. Pistachios

    Dried fruits and nuts fill you up

    Pistachios are also high in calories, but they can help you lose weight. Part of it is excreted undigested. The fats of the pistachios keep you full for a long time and since each individual core has to be peeled individually, you are busy eating for a while.

    Pistachios also have a positive effect on triglyceride levels. You can use it to replace unhealthy snacks.

    3. Almonds

    Dried fruits and nuts are diverse

    Almonds are also very filling because they contain healthy fatty acids. You can use it to prevent cravings, improve digestion and lower cholesterol levels. 

    4. Sunflower seeds

    Dried fruits and nuts contain vitamins

    Strictly speaking, sunflower seeds aren’t nuts, but they’re very healthy, which is why we’ve included them on this list. They contain an abundance of vitamins and healthy fatty acids that will cleanse and strengthen your body.

    The omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids in particular are extremely healthy and help you lose weight.

    5. Prunes

    Dried fruits and nuts contain fiber

    Prunes are very sweet and contain nutrients in concentrated form. They stimulate the metabolism, have a laxative effect and detoxify your body. You can use it to relieve constipation and promote the breakdown of body fat.

    6. Dried dates

    Dried fruits and nuts make you slim

    Dates are the fruits of the date palm. They are oval shaped and are usually offered dried. Their color can vary between yellow and reddish brown. Dried dates contain a lot of fiber, which makes them very healthy. They keep you full for a long time and can be very beneficial when losing weight. They also improve your cognitive performance and are helpful in anemia and allergies.

    Enjoy nuts and dried fruits in moderation

    As with all foods, too much of a good thing is unhealthy! The best thing to do is to ask a nutritionist for advice on how many dried fruits and nuts your diet should contain. Since every body is different, it is difficult to make general statements.

    When buying  nuts or dried fruits, make sure they are of good quality  so that fungal infestation can be excluded.

    Excess dried fruits and nuts can cause the following symptoms:

    • diarrhea
    • allergic reaction
    • Poisoning from unripe fruits
    • Kidney stones

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