Drink Garlic Tea In The Morning And Enjoy The Benefits

Garlic is healthy, as we know. We can benefit from many advantages, especially if we drink garlic tea in the morning.

Drink garlic tea in the morning and enjoy the benefits

Have you ever drank garlic tea? Today we want to tell you more about this remedy that has been used since ancient times. We can benefit from many advantages, especially if we drink garlic tea in the morning  .

Garlic tea was widely used in ancient Greece. It was used, among other things, to strengthen the body, to promote general health and as a source of energy and youth.

As you already know, garlic is a natural antibiotic and  source of antioxidants. Therefore, you should definitely try our recipe and drink garlic tea .

The incredible properties of garlic tea

If we’re honest, some mornings find it difficult to eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach. The garlic tea is very easy to prepare and can be an interesting alternative in this case. Do you want to know what happens when we drink garlic tea in the morning?

  • It is an ideal dietary supplement to help you lose weight step by step. Garlic tea has a detoxifying effect and allows excess fat to be dissolved in our body. It is also noteworthy that this tea stimulates our metabolism. If we drink it every morning, it is not only good for our health, but also for our figure.
  • Garlic tea is an inexpensive and effective means of strengthening the heart. It supports the circulation, reduces the “bad” cholesterol or LDL, dilates the blood vessels and prevents atherosclerosis.
  • And how many vitamins you can get with just one glass of garlic tea! Many many! It contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and C and also many antioxidants, making it perfect for protecting your eyesight and skin and preventing premature aging.
  • As you already know, garlic is a natural antibiotic. In doing so, it helps us to strengthen our immune system and prevent various diseases. Greek soldiers drank garlic tea after the battle to cure their infections. The effects that are ascribed to the “miracle cure” garlic are not that exaggerated.

How can I make garlic tea?

Drink garlic tea and preparation

We describe the recipe for a single cup here. Take good care of what you need to make the tea delicious and not have to worry about bad breath.


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • some grated ginger (3 g)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (15 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)


  • The preparation is very easy. First you have to boil the water. Meanwhile, you can cut the garlic into very small pieces. You can also chop it up however you prefer – the smaller it is, the better its properties can unfold during cooking.
  • As soon as the water boils, we add the grated ginger and the prepared garlic. Let it cook for 15 to 20 minutes. After this time, let the drink cool down for 10 minutes.
  • Already finished? Super. The next step is also very easy. Pour off the tea and keep using the water that was left during the boiling process. Add the natural lemon juice and honey to sweeten it, so the tea tastes particularly good.
  • You don’t have to worry about bad breath. Since the tea was made with ginger and lemon, there is no bad breath of garlic after drinking . You can therefore enjoy the delicious garlic tea without any worries.

When should I drink the tea?

How should I drink the garlic tea?

You can drink the tea every morning and during fasting, right after getting up. This will give you the same result as eating a clove of garlic in the morning while enjoying the benefits of ginger and lemon.

A simple healing recipe for daily preparation that includes lots of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Daily consumption of garlic tea is a healthy habit that helps in the prophylaxis of many common illnesses. So why don’t we do it like the ancient Greeks? Drink garlic tea in the morning and benefit from the positive effects.

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