Effective Natural Remedies Against Infections

The causes are not to be found in the pathogen, but in a weak immune system, as this allows infections.

Effective natural remedies for infections

There are many types of infections, as well as different treatments and medications. Alternatively, there are also effective natural remedies for infections. 

In this article, you will learn more about natural treatments for infections and preventive care by strengthening the immune system. However, you should always consult a doctor first if you have an infection.

Why do infections occur?

If a pathogen is not fended off, an infection can occur. We are  constantly surrounded by a wide variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. M ome of them are harmful, while others are necessary.

The best remedy for infections is a healthy, strong immune system that gives pathogens no chance.

Prevention against infections

As is usually the case, precautionary measures are also crucial here. Anyone who has a strong immune system can prevent harmful microorganisms from spreading in the organism.

What can we do?

  • Pay attention to a balanced diet and avoid sugar, ready meals, fried foods and additives.
  • Drink enough water, natural juices and teas.
  • Avoid bad habits, stress and negative emotions.
  • Limit drug use.

Yoga against infections

The intestinal flora

The intestines are known to be part of the digestive system. A malfunction of the intestine is fertile ground for all kinds of pathogens.

Therefore, you should take the following measures and treat mild infections naturally:

  • For diarrhea  , contracting foods are recommended, as well as teas: green tea, charcoal, peeled apple, grapes, etc.
  • Use natural laxatives if you are constipated : flaxseed, plums, oatmeal, seawater, oil, etc. If there is no improvement, enemas can help.
  • For nervous intestines, relaxation teas – for example lemon balm and passion flower – as well as emotional therapies (Bach flowers, homeopathy) and relaxation exercises (yoga, tai chi, gymnastics, hiking, etc.) are recommended.
  •  Probiotic foods, which are available in pharmacies and health food stores, help build up the intestinal flora.


Strengthen the immune system

As already mentioned, a strong, healthy immune system is crucial for preventing infections and for good general health. Various foods can also help to strengthen the immune system:

  • Raw garlic
  • onion
  • Oregano: infusion or essential oil (suitable for ingestion), diluted with olive oil or honey.
  • Echinacea: tea
  • Thyme: tea
  • Ginger, preferably fresh
  • Lemon with peel (untreated!)

These foods should be incorporated into the daily nutrition plan.


What happens if I have a fever?

Don’t be afraid of a fever – it’s a  body’s defense mechanism to  kill harmful microorganisms that can’t survive high temperatures.

If the fever rises very quickly, a visit to a doctor is definitely required. However, medication is not absolutely necessary for  a mild fever. There are good natural remedies available for treatment. The following home remedies can promote sweating:

  • warming teas  (for example with ginger or cinnamon),
  • wrap  in a warm wool or fleece blanket,
  • warming soups  with a pinch of cayenne pepper or raw garlic.

Body temperature needs to be checked regularly.

Additional home remedies for infections

In addition, the following supplements are recommended against infections:

  • Grape seed extract
  • Garlic capsules
  • vitamin C
  • Propolis
  • Echinacea

Natural fortifying juices are also helpful.

In the event of an infection, you should definitely visit the doctor and get advice accordingly.  The general tips in this article can also be helpful, but are not a substitute for a specialist diagnosis and treatment.

Images courtesy of Repository, MGF Lady Disdain, and Chiot’s Run.

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