Five Revitalizing Recipes With Celery

Did you know that celery can help you lose weight and give you a lot of energy at the same time? Here’s how you can use celery in different dishes to get all the benefits.

Five revitalizing recipes with celery

Celery is a vegetable that not everyone likes. It is not only suitable for salads and soups, as some might think, it helps to lose weight, nourish the body and provide it with energy. Here we present you recipes with celery.

Don’t hesitate and try the revitalizing recipes with celery to get your day off to a successful start.

The good properties of celery

The celery stalks as well as the roots and leaves can be consumed in different ways. One of the best things about this vegetable is that it is naturally dehydrating.

Celery stimulates kidney function and can therefore have a positive effect on diseases such as gout, kidney stones and kidney failure. Thanks to its draining properties, it also frees the body of accumulated pollutants.

There is also evidence that celery can provide a feeling of wellbeing and vitality. If it is mixed with carrots or tomatoes – whether as a juice or a mixed drink, its positive properties are increased even further.

You can also drink celery as a tea, but you shouldn’t add more than 10 g per cup. Just drink the tea after every meal.

Celery for weight loss

As already mentioned, celery is a great helper if you are overweight. That is why it should not be missing from any diet. As already mentioned, it has many health benefits and reduces the risks associated with being overweight.

You can consume it in different ways, from the typical salad, as a soup or vegetable side dish, as a juice or mixed drink, or as an infusion or tea. 

100 g of celery has only 16 calories. The good thing is that this amount is already enough to complete a delicious salad. It also offers you 1.6 g of fiber at the same time, which promotes body detoxification.

Celery also provides you with magnesium and potassium, two minerals that stimulate the urinary system and flush excess water from the body.

Celery cocktail

It is a food that cleanses, dehydrates the body, has an antioxidant effect, and supplies us with zinc, vitamins A, B, C and D, as well as magnesium and helps to fight the “bad” free radicals. Don’t underestimate the power of this “superfood”!

Five recipes with celery

  • Celery, pear, cucumber and carrot juice: This is a great recipe for summer and is ideal for flushing out water retention in your legs and ankles. Use three celery stalks, two pears, two cucumbers and a carrot. You can also add a healthy sweetener if you want. Wash all of the ingredients, then cut them into cubes and put them in the blender. If necessary, add a little more water to make the whole thing a little more “liquid”. Then drink the juice in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

Celery pizza
  • Celery, ginger and carrot juice: This is one of the celery recipes that is a delicious drink for those who are currently suffering from a cold, flu, allergies or hay fever. The ingredients are two celery stalks, five carrots (medium size) and a slice of fresh, peeled ginger. Cut the carrots and celery into thin slices. Then put both in the blender along with the ginger until you get a creamy consistency. You can then also add a little water and a tablespoon of honey, depending on your taste.
  • Smoothie made from celery and pineapple: Start the day with this delicious smoothie, which is not only very healthy and tasty, but also filling and will give you the energy to get through the day wonderfully. You will need a celery stalk, half a cup of water, a slice of pineapple (peeled), half a cup of crushed ice, two tablespoons of amaranth seeds, and four tablespoons of protein powder (if desired). The amaranth seeds are best when soaked the night before. Cut the celery into small slices. Then put everything (except the protein powder) in the blender until you have a smooth smoothie. Then stir in the protein powder if you want. Then drink this smoothie for breakfast.

Celery juices

And two more recipes

  • Mixed drink made from celery, carrot and apple:  This one of the best recipes with celery prepares the skin for sunbathing, delays cell aging, stimulates liver functions, helps with anemia and reduces the consequences of environmental pollution. In addition, this drink provides the organism with vitamins and proteins. Ingredients for two servings: 1 celery stalk without leaves, 1 apple, 4 carrots and the juice of half a lemon. Thoroughly clean the vegetables and then peel them. Cut into slices and then put everything in the blender. Add the freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix everything well again if necessary.
  • Mixed drink made from celery and orange: This is a great recipe for losing weight, you drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. You need a celery stalk, the juice of two oranges, some bay leaves and a prickly pear leaf . Squeeze the oranges, cut the celery and prickly pear leaf into slices, then chop the bay leaves. Put the ingredients in the blender until everything is well mixed. Then drink this drink every morning for two weeks on an empty stomach, then take a week off and then continue with the regimen. 

    Celery juice

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