Foods That Strengthen Our Memory

In addition to a balanced, varied diet, we recommend consuming nuts and citrus fruits.

Food that strengthens our memory

Memory problems can be varied and range from small memory gaps to serious losses. They can occur frequently, sporadically, or in situations of stress or emotional tension. But there are foods that  strengthen our memory.

In the following, we will introduce you to several that will help us strengthen our memory in the most natural way.

It is important to distinguish between two things: On the one hand, we can forget a name, a date or some other small thing due to tiredness, distraction and stress.

On the other hand, there are really serious memory losses, especially if they happen more and more often and if we can no longer remember events or things that we have experienced.

Over time, people lose various abilities (cognitive decay), which is precisely why we should observe ourselves and other people. There are several exercises that will help us assess the situation.

It often happens that those affected do not recognize their problem themselves and if this is not identified, then it can also lead to other complaints such as fatigue, depression and anxiety disorders.

If you have any doubts or concerns, the best thing to do is to consult a specialist, as there are medical conditions that cause memory loss as one of the symptoms.

It is therefore fundamental to make a correct diagnosis and treat the disease as soon as possible.

At the same time, we can also help ourselves with a balanced diet and thus supply our brain with all the important nutrients.

In general, it should be a varied diet that consists of lots of fresh foods, fruits, vegetables and legumes. These foods provide us with important nutrients that protect our central nervous system and strengthen our memory.

There are also some foods that we particularly recommend because they provide us with many positive active ingredients for our brain:


Nuts are already in the shape of a brain, we can see this as a little hint from nature on how we can solve health problems with nutrition.

They are high in polyphenols  , so they are excellent for preventing stress and improving cognitive skills. They also have a positive effect on the health of our heart and blood vessels.

A handful of nuts a day helps us keep our brains fit and young.

If you are overweight, eat three nuts a day, preferably in the morning.



This root from the Andes is almost like a miracle. It increases the blood flow in the brain, which improves our memory and concentration. Maca also provides us with a lot of energy and improves our state of mind.

Maca is also a wonderful dietary supplement because it contains proteins, essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins (B1, B2, B6 ..), minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, etc.

Maca is available in tablet or powder form. As a powder, maca is almost more practical because it allows us to better control the dose taken. It is recommended that you start with a small amount and then increase it continuously because maca is a very high energy source.

Ginkgo biloba

One of the best natural remedies for maintaining  oxygen supply to the brain (and arms and legs too)  is the ginkbo biloba plant.

It improves the blood circulation in the brain and thus it strengthens the brain and mental abilities. It is best to start taking it when we feel the first symptoms (i.e. poor memory and concentration problems, etc.).

You can take Ginkbo Biloba as an extract, but you should note that you should allow some time between ingestion so that the body can get used to the plant and absorb the nutrients.

Citrus fruits for our memory

Citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.) also help us  improve our memory.

We can either eat these as fruit or consume them as fruit juice. The juice should be natural, preferably made by ourselves. We can sweeten it with a little honey if necessary.

Citrus fruits

Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast has many health benefits, as it is a  food rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12 and folic acid. Both are important to our brain.

Brewer’s yeast also contains group B vitamins and consequently strengthens our central nervous system. It helps with depression, anxiety disorders, stress or memory problems.

Brewer’s yeast is available as tablets or powder that we can dissolve in some fruit juice.


This medicinal herb is an ideal remedy for memory loss, especially for people of advanced age, as  it improves blood circulation. The hawthorn is also an ideal remedy for heart diseases.

We can take the plant as a tea. Three cups a day are recommended. Hawthorn is also available as an extract. To find out the exact dose, it is best to read the package insert.

Images by veronicasheppard and xtinabot

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