For Arthritis: Stay Away From These Foods!

If you have arthritis, you should stay away from all foods that promote inflammation or increase body weight.

For arthritis: stay away from these foods!

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints that occurs particularly in old age. There are foods that are bad for you when you have arthritis.

You should follow the advice and treatment of your doctor, but you can support the success of the treatment by eliminating the foods listed in this article from your daily diet as much as possible.

Arthritis means inflamed joints

Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease. Please do not compare or confuse with “osteoarthritis”!

Arthrosis is joint wear and tear without inflammation, arthritis is always associated with inflammation of the joint!

Typical symptoms of arthritis are, in addition to pain, warming of the affected joints, swelling and reddening of the affected area.

There are several causes of arthritis. The most common are: rheumatism, bacterial infections (for example after surgery) and gout.

However, all forms have one thing in common, pain, which is not only used in pharmacy tablets.

In addition to the therapy your doctor prescribes, you should avoid certain anti-inflammatory foods. Of course, this doesn’t help immediately, but in the long term you will most certainly notice an improvement in your symptoms.

It is important to consistently and long-term eliminate these foods from the menu ! These include the following:


Animal fat

Animal fats are one of the unsaturated fatty acids that the body uses to make arachidonic acid. This arachidonic acid is the basic substance from which inflammatory messenger substances are formed in the body.

The less animal fats end up in your stomach, the less this inflammatory messenger substance can ever be formed and the better and faster the healing of your arthritis! Sounds logical right?

The exception applies here: sea ​​fish, including oily fish such as salmon or herring, are always allowed ! Because it contains omega 3 fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

If you don’t like fish, algae, linseed or walnuts, you can take fish oil capsules and take them as a support.

Dairy products

Fat dairy products

Animal protein promotes inflammation, which is why it is advised to avoid animal protein in any inflammatory processes in the body, i.e. consistently replace meat and dairy products with plant-based alternatives.

You don’t have to become a vegan, but you shouldn’t eat cheese anymore, replace the cow’s milk with plant-based drinks and keep your hands off fatty animal milk products such as cream yoghurt, cream quark or cream and the like.

Occasionally a low-fat yogurt or a low-fat quark are ok, but not every day!

This may seem like an unimaginable change at first, but it’s scientifically proven that animal protein can really promote inflammation.

Arthritis is nothing more than chronically inflamed joints, so why eat things that also promote this inflammation?


meat and sausage

One could argue that the antibiotic residues in meat and meat products from factory farming are only good against inflammation, but the resistance that develops as a result can be life-threatening.

Meat is the highest concentration of animal fat and protein, so it should be clear that you should stay away from meat if you have arthritis. And also of all products that are made from meat and contain meat.

Regardless of whether it is chicken, beef, pork, lamb, red or white meat, organic or conventional meat products. Animal protein is and remains conducive to inflammation and prevents or slows healing.

However, sea fish is an exception. Sea fish, nuts and oilseeds contain valuable omega 3 fatty acids that can have anti-inflammatory effects.

If you don’t like sea fish, choose flaxseed (oil) or walnuts or try seaweed to increase your intake of omega 3 fatty acids.



You were probably afraid of it, but alcohol is counterproductive if you have arthritis.

Alcohol dilates the blood vessels and thereby promotes foci of inflammation. In addition, alcohol is a cell toxin that slows healing and damages cells.

Occasionally ONE glass of wine is okay, but consuming a glass of wine every day is generally too much – even without arthritis!


Nicotine is usually not eaten and is therefore not actually a food, but you should refrain from smoking in any inflammatory process in the body. And not only then …

By the way, nicotine also increases blood clotting, which increases the risk of thrombosis.

Those who suffer from arthritis are often restricted in their movement and sometimes do not activate the venous pump well enough to effectively prevent thrombosis. A dangerous bad habit in combination with nicotine …

Vegetable fruit

What should I eat now?

Basically: a vegetarian, alcohol-free and nicotine-free diet with lean dairy products and weekly consumption of sea fish is the healthiest diet, not only for arthritis.

Replace animal fats with high-quality vegetable oils, eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and make sure to keep your weight in the normal range – or lose weight.

Every kilo less body weight takes the load off your inflamed joints and improves your condition!

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