Grapes, A Natural Medicine For Your Kidneys

Grapes, a natural medicine for your kidneys

Today we want to show you how grapes are natural medicine for your kidneys.

How do you actually take care of your kidneys? Are you drinking enough water Are you careful not to consume too much salt? Do you move a little every day? All of these basic things affect the health of your kidneys. However, sometimes we forget about these recommendations and push boundaries until one day the first symptoms of kidney disease appear.

Lower back pain radiating to the abdomen, burning sensation when urinating, changes in the color of urine … Symptoms like these indicate that something is wrong with our kidneys.

So why not change a few habits and incorporate grapes, which are beneficial to our health in many ways, into your diet? Grapes are natural medicine for your kidneys .

Positive effects of grapes on our kidneys

Grapes are medicine for your kidneys

This is actually an interesting fact: According to the American Renal Health Foundation, one in nine of us will develop kidney disease in the future. These can be simple urinary tract infections, kidney colic or even chronic diseases that can have serious consequences in the long term. In some cases dialysis or an organ transplant is even necessary.

We should take the health of our kidneys very seriously in our everyday life, as genetic factors , in particular, our lifestyle and diet determine whether the kidneys function well or become ill.

Hence the importance that foods, remedies and appropriate medicine for your kidneys have in our diet. After all, our kidneys should also be able to filter our blood in the future and rid it of toxins. We therefore recommend that you make grape consumption a daily habit from today. They contain many active ingredients that give them their kidney protective properties.

The power of grape seed medicine for your kidneys

When you eat grapes, you should never throw away the seeds. Do you want to know why

  • Grape seeds are rich in phenols and proanthocyanidins, types of antioxidants that can strengthen the kidneys and even repair kidney damage.
  • Another interesting fact about grape seeds is that their high content of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotenes allows them to last up to 3 days in our kidneys. This results in a better elimination of toxins and an optimization of the kidney function.
  • Grape seeds can help regulate arterial blood pressure. They also strengthen the blood vessels and the cardiovascular system.
  • According to a study published in the journal Applied Physiology , grape seeds and the extracts obtained from their peel can not only help repair kidney damage, but are also indicated for problems with obesity, as the excess fats often lead to kidney problems.
Grape seeds as a natural medicine for your kidneys

The good thing in grape juice

  • Natural, sugar-free grape juice is a highly concentrated source of antioxidants that protect us from oxidative stress and associated kidney damage.
  • Its vasodilating effect should not be forgotten either, as it allows better cleaning of veins and arteries. This is very helpful in the prophylaxis of arteriosclerosis, which can also affect our kidneys.
  • The health magazine All 4 Natural Health reported that organically grown, i.e. not treated with pesticides, grapes help eliminate uric acid. In this way you support the cleansing of toxic metabolic end products from the liver and kidneys.

And how do I have to eat grapes to protect my kidneys?

First of all, let’s not forget that grapes contain sugar. So that we can benefit from its positive properties to the maximum, we should not eat too much of them. Please note the following:

  • As part of a balanced diet that strengthens and protects our kidneys and, in the case of existing diseases, promotes their healing, we should consume 15 grapes daily.
  • When is the best time to eat the grapes? For breakfast. You can enjoy them with oatmeal or sugar-free natural yogurt. Ideally in combination with other fruits.
  • Which grape variety is the healthiest? Dark grapes are healthier, they contain more antioxidants.
  • It is important that you pay attention to organic cultivation when buying grapes . At least you should be sure that the fruit has not been treated with pesticides.
  • Always eat the grapes with the skin and seeds.
  • If you’re making fresh grape juice, don’t pour it off before drinking it. Also take advantage of the positive properties of the shell and seeds.
  • Grapes are not just a great breakfast or a delicious dessert. Also to salad they fit perfectly, with meat that you are preparing in the oven or on skewers, which are also full of vegetables and meat. They are just delicious!

    When grape season is just around the corner, keep this advice in mind and try our natural medicine for your kidneys.

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