Himalayan Salt Against Migraines

Himalayan salt has various health benefits, including alleviating migraines and other ailments.

Himalayan salt for migraines

Migraine is a severe, very uncomfortable headache that is often accompanied by dizziness, blurred vision, temporary blindness, eye pain, nausea, and nausea. Have you tried Himalayan salt for migraines?

Mostly strong pain relievers are used,  but there is also a natural remedy that could be helpful:  Himalayan salt. 

It must be said here, however, that there is limited evidence that salt can help with certain problems, mainly due to the intrinsic drying properties of salts.

Why can Himalayan salt help with migraines?


Himalayan salt contains 84 minerals, electrolytes and substances that  can help with migraines very quickly.

The serotonin level increases in the blood, which inhibits the intense migraine pain.

In addition, this strengthens  the immune system, the energy level improves,  the acid-base balance and the electrolyte balance are regulated and much more.

Difference between table salt and Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt is one of the best energizing salts. It contains important nutrients and can promote the well-being of the organism.

Excessive consumption of table salt is harmful, but it differs greatly from Himalayan salt.

Table salt consists  largely of sodium chloride and can come from polluted places. Although this is refined, environmental toxins can still remain, which can harm the body.

How do you use Himalayan salt for migraines?


To relieve migraines with Himalayan salt, you can make yourself a simple drink that not only relieves pain, but also strengthens the immune system and gives you new energy.


  • 2 teaspoons of Himalayan salt (9 g)
  • Juice of two lemons
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    • Simply mix all the ingredients and drink the drink. Every time you are in pain, you can have a glass of it.

    Important:  This home remedy is not suitable for people with high blood pressure You also have to avoid it if you are sick, as the drink can lead to nausea. In addition, it has a laxative effect.

    Other uses of Himalayan salt


    Not only does it help with migraines, it can also be used for other treatments:

    1. Bath salts for treating skin problems, joint pain and rheumatism

    Baths with Himalayan salt (between 5 and 20 minutes)  can be very helpful for skin problems, joint pain and rheumatism. 

    • Use warm (not hot) water for this.
    • The amount of salt depends on the bathtub. A concentration of 1% salt is ideal.
    • Half a kilo of Himalayan salt can be used for a 120 liter bathtub.

    After the bath, relax for an hour. Your health will benefit from this bath and you will be relaxed and refreshed afterwards.

    2. Beauty treatments

    Man uses Himalayan salt in the bath

    Himalayan salt is a component of  various cosmetic and hygiene products. This salt can also do a lot for beauty.

    3. Inhale with salt to clear the airway

    We can also use this salt to clear the airways quickly and effectively in the event of a cold or allergy.


    • Put a tablespoon in hot water.
    • Then bend your head over it, cover it with a towel and inhale the steam.

    4. Washing of the nose, throat and eyes with Himalayan salt

    Mix one tablespoon (9 g) in one liter of lukewarm water and then proceed as follows:

    • Bathe your eyes with an eye pan and then rinse out with lukewarm water.
    • The nose can also be bathed in the salt water.
    • You can also gargle it to relieve a sore throat.

    Himalayan salt is a very helpful home remedy that can be used to treat various pains. It is inexpensive and easy to use.

    Don’t forget that this natural remedy can  not replace any medication prescribed by a doctor. It is just a complementary remedy.

    Many people have already confirmed the quick effectiveness of this home remedy for migraines, but it is best to discuss this with your specialist doctor.

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