Home Remedies For Dark Circles

Home remedies work a little slower, but they are natural and just as effective for dark circles as commercial products.

Home remedies for dark circles

Many men and women suffer from dark circles under the eyes, which is an aesthetic problem due to the fact that melanin is produced in excess and therefore the capillaries dilate. There are  home remedies for dark circles.

In most cases, dark circles are genetic, but they can also occur due to  lack of sleep, cigarette consumption or environmental pollution, etc.

Usually the eyelids are swollen at the same time, but the effects can be different for everyone.

There are a wide variety of cosmetics to reduce dark circles and make you look  younger and fresher.

This also includes various home remedies for dark circles, which, thanks to their ingredients, can be very useful in treating dark circles  without stressing the skin with aggressive chemicals. 

Would you like to try these home remedies for dark circles?

Home remedies for dark circles: tea bags with green tea

tea bags against dark circles

Green tea contains important antioxidants and tannins  and is therefore a good solution for reducing dark circles.

This can treat swelling and improve blood circulation. At the same time, green tea helps against impurities.


  • 2 tea bags with green tea
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)

Preparation and use

  • Heat the green tea in the water for 10 minutes at a low temperature.
  • Then store the tea bags in the refrigerator.
  • Once cold, the tea bags are then placed on the eyes for 15 minutes.
  • Then repeat this treatment every day until the dark circles disappear.

Rose water

Rose water can be used as a natural facial toner. It moisturizes the skin and also helps against the unsightly dark circles that are responsible for a tired face.

Rose water contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that  reduce swelling and promote tissue regeneration.


  • 6 rose petals
  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)

Preparation and use

  • Cut the rose petals, then heat them in half a cup of water for 40 minutes.
  • Make sure the temperature is low and add some more water if necessary.
  • After this time you let the water draw a little more. Then you can apply it directly to the skin with cotton wool.
  • Then repeat this treatment in the morning and in the evening.


tomato-against-dark circles

Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which  is very helpful for dark circles and also has a decongestant effect on bags under the eyes.


  • 1 tomato
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice (2 ml)
  • 1 pinch of turmeric

Preparation and use

  • Puree a ripe tomato and then mix with the lemon juice and turmeric until a paste is formed.
  • Apply the product to the dark circles and then let it work for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse off and finally apply a moisturizer.
  • Then only use this home remedy in the evening, as the lemon could have the opposite effects if exposed to the sun.

    Home remedies for dark circles: mint leaves

    Crushed mint leaves soothe tired eyes and then improve the appearance of dark circles  .


    • 1 handful of fresh mint leaves
    • Juice 1/4 lemon

    Preparation and use

    • Crush the fresh mint leaves and then mix with the lemon juice.
    • Rub this product on the affected areas of the skin, then let it work for 15 minutes.
    • Then rinse with cold water and dry the skin with a soft cloth.
    • Then repeat this treatment every day (only in the evening!) To achieve the desired results.


    milk-against-dark circles

    The lactic acid contained in the milk softens and moisturizes the skin. This allows the complexion to be renewed.

    This home remedy relieves puffiness and reduces the dark circles under  the eyes, which are responsible for a tired, older look.

    In addition, milk provides proteins, enzymes and essential antioxidants that promote cell regeneration.


    • 1/4 cup milk (62 ml)
    • 4 ice cubes

    Preparation and use

    • Put the ice cubes in the milk and wait until it is very cold. Then the milk is applied to the dark circles with a little cotton wool.
    • Let the cotton work on the eyes until they get warm.
    • Repeat this treatment twice a day.

    Pineapple juice with turmeric

    The bromelain contained in pineapple has an anti-inflammatory effect  and is an excellent aid for dark circles and bags under the eyes. 

    Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and also has a protective effect.


    • 1 teaspoon turmeric (5 g)
    • 2 tablespoons pineapple juice (20 ml)

    Preparation and use

    • Make a thick paste of turmeric and pineapple juice.
    • Massage this onto the dark circles and let it work for 15 minutes.
    • Then rinse with water.
    • Repeat this treatment every evening.

    Choose your preferred home remedy for reducing dark circles. You will find that you don’t need expensive cosmetics to remove them.

    However, you should note that the effects are not immediately visible, but several treatments are necessary to reduce the dark areas.

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