Home Remedies With A Dehydrating Effect: Quick Help

It doesn’t always have to be tablets. Simple tips on how to behave and home remedies can help you with dehydration!

Dehydrating home remedies: quick help

Women in particular are interested in the subject of dehydration, at least since the television advertising for tablets that have a dehydrating effect and advertise with the slogan: “Just take a few liters off!” Dehydration is not always necessary, but it is also possible without tablets from the advertising.

Draining acting agents – why?

Especially in summer, when it’s hot, the body tends to store water and alert us to the issue of dehydration.

Drainage does not always make sense. In summer the body stores water in order to enlarge its body surface in order to have a larger evaporation surface for sweating and thus to be able to better regulate its body temperature.

If your legs and feet are swollen, it is usually because you have been standing for a long time and the venous pump has not worked properly. That is normal. Try rocking up and down as you stand to keep the venous pump going.

Another cause could be an impaired drainage of the tissue fluid (lymph), if you are wearing overly tight stockings or clothing.

Cycle-dependent hormone fluctuations can also cause water retention – so the morning shock on the scales can really only be water, not fat!

Before you try our tips, you should first and foremost clarify whether the symptoms are not caused by a heart problem.

A thrombosis could also be behind it and this is life-threatening and belongs in the hands of a doctor! Heart, liver and kidney diseases, as well as allergies and thyroid dysfunction can also promote water retention and are sometimes life-threatening!

Therefore, it is essential to clarify unclear water retention with a doctor before following our tips!

Home remedies with a dehydrating effect

Watch out for salt and sugar!

To prevent water retention in general, you should avoid all foods that promote water retention in the body.

This includes not only salt, but also sugar. Be careful not to eat meat that is very salty with it.

Sausage should be taboo because it contains a lot of salt! A piece of poultry or meat that is nicely peppered or seasoned with herbs doesn’t need salt to be tasty! Avoid the following foods:

  • Ready meals because they contain a lot of salt and sugar.
  • Sausage, because sausage products and marinated meat products are very salty.
  • Smoked fish or smoked meat (ham, etc.), as they also contain a lot of salt.
  • Sweets and sweet drinks when they are sweetened with sugar.
  • Breakfast cereals, even sweet ones (eg corn flakes, corn pops, “breakfast cereals”), because they also contain too much salt!
Home remedies with a dehydrating effect

Prefer potassium

Your diet should be particularly rich in fruits and vegetables that contain potassium. Melons and rice, for example, are good sources for this!

Rice and potatoes, as well as quinoa and millet, have a dehydrating effect due to the high potassium content. Combine rice or potatoes with vegetables and spices that stimulate the metabolism and can also have a dehydrating effect: cucumber, fennel, celery, parsley and ginger, for example.

But melons also contain a lot of potassium and a melon smoothie is easy to make!

First of all, it is important: Sugar never belongs in a smoothie! In summer you can also use a blender to finely grind ice cubes, which turns the healthy smoothie into an absolutely healthy ice cream substitute!

Peel the melon and remove the seeds. Then weigh out about 200g and cut them into large cubes so that they can be chopped up better and faster in the blender later. Add a little water – your potassium-rich and dehydrating drink is ready!

Home remedies with a dehydrating effect

Drink a lot!

Drinking a lot promotes a good metabolism, which in turn ensures that the body has a balanced fluid ratio.

Drinking a lot does not mean: a lot of water retention, but exactly the opposite! Please only drink calorie-free drinks such as water or herbal teas in order not to gain weight or store water with sugar again!

There are excellent herbal teas for draining or preventing water retention. Nettle tea has a dehydrating effect and helps prevent water retention.

You can buy the leaves in dried form in pharmacies or health food stores. Since the nettle grows almost everywhere, you can also harvest it yourself and hang it upside down to dry it at home.

The stronger the tea, the more intense the effect! Birch leaves, dandelion, horsetail and juniper berry oil are also used for drainage .

Cold quenched

Cold showers are not for everyone, but they are easy on the legs. The cold water causes the vessels to contract and the stored water is transported away.

Alternating showers keep the vessels elastic and are also useful.

In general, the narrowing vessels mean that less water can be stored in cold temperatures. If you have the opportunity to work (or sleep) with air conditioning in summer, for example, then take this opportunity!

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