How Can You Regulate The Sleep Hormone Melatonin?

The darkness sends the signal to the brain that it is time to go to sleep. Avoid using electronic devices for at least an hour before bed.

How can you regulate the sleep hormone melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone that is responsible for various biological processes in our body, among other things it is fundamental for the sleep-wake cycle. How can you  regulate melatonin?

That is why a balanced melatonin level is important to prevent sleep disorders. You can learn more about this topic in today’s article.

Interesting facts about melatonin

Melatonin plays an important role in many processes, in particular it is of great importance for a regulated sleep-wake cycle. One can  regulate melatonin.

This hormone is produced in the pineal gland during the night and is also responsible for the following tasks:

  • It balances the cardiac rhythm and blood pressure.
  • The sleep hormone also relaxes the retina and
  • also protects against free radicals.

Melatonin is released throughout the body and synchronizes the circadian rhythm.  Consequently, it ensures a good night’s sleep.

However, the melatonin level is reduced through stress, poor nutrition and lack of exercise, or through artificial light at night. The result is insomnia.

Since  melatonin also stimulates growth hormones and tissue and muscle regeneration, it is also very important for children and adolescents who need more sleep than adults.

Even in the event of illness or great physical exertion, the body demands more sleep.

Melatonin is still responsible for the following functions:

  • Regulation of the feeling of hunger.
  • It is involved in the development and function of the testes and ovaries.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant as well
  • supports the immune system by fighting off viruses and bacteria.

Melatonin and serotonin


These two hormones work together. That is why it is important to regulate the levels of melatonin and serotonin.

  • Melatonin regulate through darkness, serotonin regulate through light.
  • The retina absorbs sunlight, which then reaches the pineal gland and converts the serotonin formed during the day into melatonin at night.

    But artificial light cannot replace natural sunlight. That is why in winter you are more likely to want to stay in bed longer and sleep. In summer, on the other hand, you have more energy and entrepreneurship.

    Serotonin deficiency makes you crave high-calorie and unhealthy foods such as cookies, sweets, ice cream, etc.

    However, when there is a lack of melatonin, insomnia occurs as a result. A lack of motivation and lack of energy can also result.

    Not only are melatonin and serotonin important in this process, cortisol also plays an important role. This is also known as the stress hormone and also has a major influence on the sleep-wake cycle.

    People who are stressed usually need more sleep,  but insomnia can also occur. Because the cortisol messes up the rhythm.

    Foods that stimulate the production of melatonin

    Diet is essential for regulating the hormonal balance. You can also regularly sleep between 7 and 8 hours and recover during the night.

    Fruits like  pineapple or citrus fruits are particularly recommended. In addition, the following foods are important for balanced melatonin levels:

    • Dried fruits
    • Eggs
    • fish
    • legumes
    • Oats and barley
    • Corn
    • rice

    You can also improve melatonin levels with the following foods:

    • tomato
    • Potatoes
    • red wine
    • Products containing lactose
    • tuna

    Habits to Regulate Melatonin

    Not only is an appropriate diet essential, various habits can also help regulate melatonin levels.

    1. Darkness

    Your bedroom should have blinds or curtains to keep outside light from entering.

    The darkness then tells your brain, “It’s time to go to sleep”. So you can guarantee a comfortable, restful sleep.

    2. No television before bed

    The light of the television, as well as smells and exciting scenes activate the brain and then do not allow it to rest for a long time.

    So it would be good if you didn’t have a TV in your bedroom.  You should also avoid using mobile devices for at least an hour before bed.

    3. Afternoon exercise

    Sport is healthy, everyone knows that. But in the evening before going to bed, it stimulates the mind and body, which is  why many cannot fall asleep for a long time afterwards.

    The next morning you are tired because the body could not recover sufficiently during the night and repair the damage caused by the training.

    That is why it is better to do physical activities in the afternoon.

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