How Indoor Plants Can Be Beneficial To Health

They not only look beautiful and smell good, they also benefit your health!

How houseplants can be beneficial to health

Anyone who calls themselves a nature lover should think about indoor plants. Their beauty and their fresh scent are reason enough to decorate your house with them. In addition, indoor plants can be beneficial to health.

Not only do they look beautiful, they also bring life to your home and exude a feeling of peace, happiness and health.

Wherever they are, they purify the air and give off oxygen. They bring luck and give the room an aura of calm. They also drive away insects.

How houseplants can be beneficial to health

How indoor plants are beneficial to health

Plants are a convenient, inexpensive way to brighten up your home.

In addition, they offer such a wide range of flowers, scents and colors that they can match any decorating style. However, they do a lot more than that: they can make you healthier.

Here are some reasons why  houseplants are beneficial to health:

They improve the air quality

Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and process it into oxygen that we breathe. They “trap” the carbon dioxide, reducing pollution and particles in the air.

They can be used for home remedies

Many plants have healing properties or support health.

They are used in the pharmaceutical industry to make medicines, while at home you can use them for medicinal teas, ointments, and other home remedies.

They also increase the humidity, which is good for your skin.

Indoor plants reduce stress

Having plants around the house and taking care of them is a great hobby that can help relieve you of the stresses of everyday life and protect you from depression.

It was found that they help to reduce work stress by up to 15% and to increase concentration by up to 70%. They also increase productivity by 12%.

They help against breathing problems

Since they increase the humidity and thus reduce the amount of dust in the air, indoor plants are very good for your respiratory tract. They help bring you energy.

Other benefits of indoor plants

How houseplants are healthy for you

Plants keep your house cool on sunny days as they absorb the sun’s rays for their own nourishment. This is why you will notice a cooling effect when you have a lot of greenery around you.

You can also produce food, healthy and very fresh food. You can be sure that it is nutritious and very tasty.

Whether you have a large garden or small flower pots indoors, you can use plants to your advantage and have fresh food with little investment.

Here are a few examples of simple and inexpensive vegetables:

  • Onions
  • broccoli
  • tomatoes
  • Carrots
  • paprika

The possibilities are endless: small fruit trees, spices, herbs … you just have to consider whether they get enough sun and whether you have time to care for them.

Indoor plants: the agony of the whale

Which houseplants are beneficial to health

Now that you know that houseplants are beneficial for your health, the question is which ones are best.  The selection is very large, but we have put together a small list of particularly healthy plants for you:

  • Aloe vera. It is good for treating wounds, has a firming effect, and is good for digestion. Aloe vera can also reduce your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, regulate your blood sugar, and help your body absorb nutrients better. In addition, this plant strengthens your immune system and works against inflammation.
  • Ginger. This root plant works ideally as antibiotics against colds or flu. It is full of antioxidants and is also a good remedy for parasites or bacteria. Use it to treat muscle, head, or joint pain. Ginger is also effective against dizziness and nausea.
  • Eucalyptus. The leaves are used for the treatment of certain respiratory problems. They accelerate healing and also work against rheumatism.
  • Mint. Asthma, allergies, colds and coughs: they can all be relieved with mint. This herb is also used for flatulence, abdominal pain, and migraines. Mint is also one of the most widely used herbs in aromatherapy.
  • Garlic. Aside from adding flavor to your food, garlic can also be used in natural medicine to help reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. It also fights cancer cells and protects the heart.
  • Thyme. Due to its high content of vitamins A and C, copper, fiber and magnesium, thyme is a must. You can use the aromatic herb to treat pain, water retention, PMS, depression, mouth problems, and even a hangover. It also strengthens your memory and calms you down.

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